Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

ReactOS 0.3.0 released

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--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---... notepad2...
--- End quote ---

what do you mean you can't install n2 ? cause 7zip won't work ?


--- Quote from: Pathos ---what do you mean you can't install n2 ? cause 7zip won't work ?
--- End quote ---
Ah actually, n2 was the one in the zip file.

Someone needs to make a usable livecd outta reactos. With Firefox etc.


--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Someone needs to make a usable livecd outta reactos. With Firefox etc.
--- End quote ---

I nominate you.

Lead Head:
i installed ReactOS in a VM and got Firefox and Winrar working perfectly..

why don't people just use windows? honestly, years of development just to make clones of winzip and notepad? either choose a different OS that actually works (there are plenty) or use windows and accept the consequences! that goes for wine users too.


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