Miscellaneous > Technical Support

13.4MB of memory is missing!

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Lead Head:
Was just messing around on my Ubuntu rig, with a dedicated video card and 512MB of ram, "Sysinfo" reports 497MB. Odd.

I'll try installing a Linux distro in a VM with a known amount of RAM and see what it reports.

I've just tried that with Fedora, I set up a VM with 512MB RAM and it said 245MB.

Perhaps this is a question for the kernel developers?

Lead Head:
Interesting issue. Are you sure in Fedora it wasn't reporting useable ram, instead of say total installed?

Sorry I ment to say the VM had 256MB RAM and it said 245MB.

Why should there be a difference between usable and total RAM?

I told VirtualBox to allocate 256MB for the VM so I don't see why any less than 256MB should be available to the VM.


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