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what programming language to do this?

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I want to essentially program an animation that shows the movement of particles in a vector field.

Need a lot of mathematical power to do things like draw plots alongside it. And these would be intense maths problems, so I hope there are solutions that aren't too basic. R would be pretty cool, but for animation? I've been learning python, but don't know any libraries.

I'd like to learn to do something like this, give me ideas if anyone can. Thanks!

I think I'll come along and post the background idea for this at some point soon. Yes it's like all my other ideas: absolutely batshit big. It's to do with public transport.

I learned Flash and ActionScript basics 1.5 years ago.

It's pretty excellent for animation, but use a Mac for that since the Windows version has tons of crap I had to delete after uninstalling it.

I'm afraid that's the wrong answer, I think pirate Penguin wants something FOSS.

How about using a spreadsheet such as OOo's calc or is that too slow?

Ah yeah Flash isn't what I'm looking for anyhow. It could be, but I want something with complicated maths features like scatterplots etc etc. Something like R would be perfect. I bet there's a way to do animation with R?

There are (were?) some mathematical fellows on this forum that I though might have a more appropriate solution.

Maybe SVG?

You can program that in JavaScript, which does mathematical functions.

Albeit it's hard to find a SVG animation app.


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