Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX

Rolling Again

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--- Quote from: worker201 on 26 April 2010, 21:53 ---I had to break out the install CD and start from scratch.

Well, that was fun.  Fortunately, I didn't have any critical data on there at all.

--- End quote ---

Actually, you didn't need to do this, you never do with Linux. What you needed to do is force all those KDE related packages into reinstalling. yum is just a clone of apt-get, I suggest next time you type 'man yum'

the command in english would look like this...

"Yum, my dear pal, please FORCE the base package of KDE and all its dependencies to reinstall"
"Yes good sir."

from memory rpm -f /path/to/rpms/on/media/*.rpm will force a reinstall of everything if you do it from single user mode (init 1) after it you should be able to 'init 5' and have your shit back together without even rebooting.

You can also force remove packages so it doesn't take out their dependencies. For example, you might decide to build it from source to take part in a beta or whatever, same with Firefail (Firefox), if you want to get in on that community spirit thing.

With reinstalls however, and switching distros, because all the apps are virtually identical you should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS keep /home separate. That way, you can go "fuck it, I want debian" and install debian, tell its paritioner where home is and mark the "dont fucking format" button. This button being there goes all the way back to the damn early naugties and is always there except in Ubuntu's moron mode. Cheers not using that disaster!

The main reason I didn't do at least some of ^that is I couldn't figure out how to get there.  I couldn't launch a terminal window to execute commands, and I had no idea how to drop the runlevel without a terminal.  I can see now that I could have just logged out and gotten a console login.  Oddly, the easiest thing to do was the one I wasn't familiar with.  Lesson learned.

This SELinux stuff can be kinda fun.  LAMP/LAPP stuff is disabled by default.  To get my development environment set up, I had to run:

--- Code: ---setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect_db on
--- End code ---

I found out about this because the SELinux adviser pops up to tell you how to fix it.  There's a button on the adviser window to "Update Policy", which I figured caused the proposed change to be propagated.  Actually, it turns out that button causes yum to open and attempt to download the latest SELinux policy.  However, yum tries to do this on port 7822 - which causes another SELinux exception, because 7822 isn't approved for yum usage.  Also, the denial of the port causes python to crash, which in turn causes the SELinux adviser to crash.  Good times.  I was able to approve port 7822 for yum usage with:

--- Code: ---semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 7822
--- End code ---

Back in days of yore, when I was using FCx (x <= 6), I immediately ripped out all SELinux features, because it made configuration so difficult (and troubleshooting impossible).  But these days, it's important to play with policies and configuration, so I'm working with it instead of around it.  It's not like this machine is doing mission critical work, so I feel comfortable fucking around with things.


Lead Head:
Looks nifty, hows it handling the Intel graphics? I've heard of some issues with various flavors of *nix and Intel chipsets.


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