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Kinect blamed for 'red ring of death' Xbox 360 failures



Lead Head:
Interesting. I suppose it is possible that all the movement recognition of the Kinect uses considerable horsepower, and it was the final straw on a bunch of Xbox360 that were about ready to go.

Buy kinect and your Xbox never works again, thats a lovely advertisement, microsoftshould put that on TV.

Kinect: Because your Xbox needs to die.

This is why I own a Wii. Kinect is too darn bad. It's not precise enough and you'll look like an idiot using this system.


--- Quote from: Lead Head on  6 January 2011, 21:43 ---Interesting. I suppose it is possible that all the movement recognition of the Kinect uses considerable horsepower, and it was the final straw on a bunch of Xbox360 that were about ready to go.

--- End quote ---
Yes, it sounds like they're pushing the hardware beyond its limits but they must've overclocked something or not given it sufficient cooling for a hardware driver to cause a hardware failure to it sounds like it's a n Xbox design fault, rather than the Kinect.


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