Author Topic: poll: What is your console of choice?  (Read 6825 times)

Canadian Lover

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poll: What is your console of choice?
« on: 1 June 2003, 20:19 »
Which console do you like best? I like the Gamecube because it's inexpencive and better than PS2 and Xbox (PS2 has a slow prossser and Xbox is well... by Microsoft

[ June 01, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]

[ June 02, 2003: Message edited by: The all Microsoft hater ]


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #1 on: 1 June 2003, 21:00 »
I like the X-Box.

Aaron Ni

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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #2 on: 1 June 2003, 21:34 »

*Kicks the Quirk.*
You know me.... really...


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #3 on: 1 June 2003, 23:46 »
Game Cube, GBA, SNES, Playstation, that is about the order. oh yeah, add the atari at the end of that list. atari was fun for some wierd reason. and the framerate on atari games is fucking amazing!!  ;)


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #4 on: 2 June 2003, 04:07 »
Dreamcast, bucause it's the only one I currently own.


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #5 on: 2 June 2003, 12:33 »
N64. I don't know what all this talk about "more improved" consoles" is. N64 is 3 dimensional.


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #6 on: 2 June 2003, 17:33 »
Although I can't afford it, I must say the Panasonic Q is the best.

I liked the Commodore 64 as gaming machine the best.

Doctor V

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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #7 on: 2 June 2003, 18:10 »
I like the playstation 2, its the one I have.  But I'm tempted to pickup a used Game Cube.


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #8 on: 2 June 2003, 19:19 »
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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #9 on: 4 June 2003, 06:33 »
I like XBox.  Right now I'm working on modding and then installing the XBox Media Player.

[ June 03, 2003: Message edited by: Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain ]


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #10 on: 5 June 2003, 04:45 »
Does using a PC to emulate consoles(old and new-ish) count as a console choice?  ;)
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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #11 on: 5 June 2003, 04:47 »
I have an Xbox that has "fallen off a truck" if you get what I mean.
Please fuck  Microsoft hard.
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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #12 on: 5 June 2003, 05:02 »
My fav right now is the Game Cube.

One reason:

Zelda: The Wind Waker

This is teh best game ever.


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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #13 on: 5 June 2003, 07:50 »
In order:
GBA SP, N64, (Genesis, NES, PS1, Atari (these are a tie)), GameCube

GameCube sucks because it sold RARE to micro$hit and which made all the good Nintendo games.  Also, i greatly prefer my comp to GCN because i can get better graphics, and better (and more) game titles.

i also think that xbox was the worst theing ever made.
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poll: What is your console of choice?
« Reply #14 on: 5 June 2003, 07:59 »
rare sold rare to microsoft. nintendo did not own rare. okay, it might have held like %49 percent of the company stock, but rare still had %51, they had the final choice. maybe nintendo sold off because they wanted nothing to do with ms?