Operating Systems > macOS

QuickTime on OS X

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Anyone know if I can watch quicktime clips in full screen mode?

I have OS 10.2 and quicktime that came with 10.1.

Gooseberry Clock:
Ooh, I think you have to register NotSoQuickTime time for that, unlike with RealOne and Windows Media Player. Now isn't that a shame!

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[ December 16, 2002: Message edited by: * Red Ranger Software * PC Commando ]

Register QT Pro for 29.95 or use something like Video Lan:


I registered. It's worth it.

I have seen quicktime on a PC. It was pretty sad, but so was all the media on the thing. It was a PIII 600 with a gig of RAM running 98. Please...

I'll take QT on my G4 anyday.

I second the Quicktime Pro registration. QT Pro ROCKS. It's got SOOO much stuff in it, it's amazing. It's worth it for just the codecs it includes (Sorenson 3, mpeg4, Cinepak, etc etc).

You can save any QT capable clip (mov, mpg, avi) without having to dig for it in your cache or HTML source code.

It included filters, export features for almost any image format.

I can't live without it.


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