Operating Systems > macOS

Bryce on a G4

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A good one for a Mac Commando:

Is Bryce 5 G4 optimized? Does it run any faster on a G4? I searched tirelessly on Bare Feats and found nothing.

I do a lot of heavy-duty work in Bryce, and it would be nice if it would run faster, and I might be willing to spend more on the Mac I am getting...

I've never used bryce, but I've used final cut pro on my g3 400Mhz and my friends g4 733Mhz and there was a BIG diffrence.  From rendering to just playing the video the g4 was like 10 times faster.  But of course on my dual 1Ghz is much faster then both...  :D  I say throw down as much as you can afford, you wont regret it.

holy God it's cool.

I'm sure that Bryce is AltiVec accelerated. And beyond that, I think it uses OpenGL for display. OpenGL is Altivec accelerated. And under Jaguar, you'd get the benefits of Quartz Extreme.

And then, later, you could always step up to Maya  

I use Maya too.

Maya fucking FLIES open on a single 733 G4 w/512, meanwhile my Athlon 1700+ w/768 takes 30+ seconds.

I use Bryce for scenes not involving organic shapes (people, plants, etc) 'cuz Bryce takes forever and a day to render organic shapes (9+, refectives, and Super AA takes 11 hours on the 1700+)

[ November 18, 2002: Message edited by: The_Muffin_Man/B0b ]


quote:Originally posted by trc3:
I've never used bryce, but I've used final cut pro on my g3 400Mhz and my friends g4 733Mhz and there was a BIG diffrence.  From rendering to just playing the video the g4 was like 10 times faster.  But of course on my dual 1Ghz is much faster then both...   :D   I say throw down as much as you can afford, you wont regret it.
--- End quote ---

Well DUH! What did you expect? Clock speed increase + G4 = SPEED

Yeah, I think I am going to lay down the big bills on this one.


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