Bad Karma- Microsoft in the News
Demigod Chaosforages- Unix/Linux , Not Quite Mainstream, Programming networking
Calum- Linux, Not Quite Mainstream, Applications, Lounge, Programming networking, Suggestions, Featured, Dead Thread Zone
Rayuva- Macos
Webmaster- MS Hardware, Not Quite Mainstream, Applications, Programming networking, Suggestions, Featured.
Now i know that Calum has to attend to business, and cannot be here much. The rest, i just want to know if they are here, or what. If not, that is alot of mod positions that need to be filled. And, why, if webmaster is god supreme of the forums, is he a mod as well? He can already control and edit everything. Anyways. Im around. I can mod if need be.
[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: Ecsyle: now with capitals ]