Miscellaneous > Programming & Networking

M$ IP addresses

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Does anybody here know how to get IP ranges for M$ networks?  I want to block them on my firewall to make sure nothing goes in and out of my computer.  I'm pretty sure that would take care of any spyware :)

Why not log what goes in and out and then block the IP blocks that you did not use? I'm not sure what their IP range is. They have but i'm sure they have more networks than that. i'm surprised they don't have a whole class A block set aside for themselves. They also have and 207.46.150... at this rate it seems pretty safe to block anything from 207.*.*.* but that isn't necessarily good considering that they are class C addresses.

Master of Reality:
nslookup microsoft.com
nslookup msn.com
nslookup hotmail.com

walk to Microsoft server location, and do a crap in your hand, then jam the shit into there CPU fans.

Sounds fun!


I got the IP address ranges that M$ uses, and I blocked all of them on my firewall to forbid any traffic coming in from them or out to them.  Well, it appears that no web browser can browse the web while my firewall is up.  So, essentially, i can't browse the net unless M$ accesses my computer or my computer sends a packet to them.  Why am I not surprised?


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