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Stupid Internet questions

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Right this may or may not be the right place, so bear with me, if its wrong I'm sure a moderator will shift it.

How do I go about setting up a website?

Oh my god you are now saying to yourself, I cannot believe someone is this dumb, well I have never had anything to do with the Internet at this level so I'm learning.

I have been donated a PII 233 with 240MB of RAM, and 8GB HDD the only problem is it has the old large style PS/2 connector for the keyboard. Now last time I just removed the connector and put a small one in it's place so I can resolve this issue (or buy a fitting keyboard or adaptor). I want to set this up as a website for some friends, and I need to know how (I don't want to get ripped off).

I have ransacked the Linux Documentation Project. And will be using that to teach myself how to set up Apache for the server, and how to do lots of other stuff that I need to do in Linux. It's not the actual learning that is going to prove difficult, and I need to locate a HTML tutorial (I know NOTHING about web design). I doubt any of this will give me troubles.

What I need is a breakdown of how it all works, the different options, etc. basically I want to do   it all myself, have this computer feeding one two or several sites. And I want to own the .com, .net, whatever, so where do I get these. Again it is the theory I'm after here. Does this make sense to anyone, and can anyone help me, I am feeling incredibly stupid right now?

Or help by offering the right types of keywords, so I can search google more efficiently would be helpful. Now the answer maybe that I will learn this stuff if I just read all the way through say the Apache manual, well that is fine just let me know.

Why have I not found this out myself, the trouble is searching google for net related stuff brings up page upon page of chaff - now I'm an engineer I don't read dummies guides because I know they will not teach me what I need to know, such simplistic guides rarely satisfy the deep craving for knowledge that constantly pounds around my head, begging me - feed me information, feed me information, feed me information.

So any pointers in the right direction would more than satisfy. Like I say it's the theory of how the net works, how I set up a server and feed into it. This info has probably been posted before, but I can't find it through searches on this forum.

Master of Reality:
well.. you want this computer to run a website. Therefore the computer will be called a webserver. I am running mine on an old P MMX so its not like you need a real top of teh line computer for a website that gets litttle traffic.
I would tell you a lot more but i have to go right now.  
How fast is your internet?

Thanks MoR, I had to go as well - It was Pie Baking time. So I should be searching for setting up a webserver?.

My connection is DSL, so not terrific on upstream I know. But this site will be for some local musicians, and I don't expect heavy traffic, this is as much a teach myself how, I have a few others who are interested in having a website (more poor musicians doing it for the love of their art).

so do you want info about all of the following things?

1) setting up a server from home
2) configuring your firewall for a server
3) setting up a domain name to point to your machine
4) writing html/php/perl/xhtml and so on
5) embedding video, forms and web applications into websites
6) maintaining an email server
7) actually designing a website correctly so it will display well on as many systems as possible, is easy to understand and will not make people want to leave your site

Now i know little to nothing about most of those, and ordinarily i would say ask MoR, since he has done all the setting up/domain name stuff himself, but i was just posting to try and break down the things you might want to do into more easily digestible sized chunks, you know that old riddle: Q. how do you eat an elephant? A. one bite at a time...

for the domain name i would google for 'domain name registration' and look for a good price. basically all the people who will sell you domain names are agents and they all tack on their own percentage, so compare and contrast. And for html, i suggest going to w3c.org as your starting point.


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