Miscellaneous > Intellectual Property & Law

Interesting article on MP3 sharing, RIAA, etc.

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I don't believe in the "piracy" of DVD or CD or whatever but I get pissed off with these recording companies fucking about with what we can't do with the stuff. Here is something that pisses me off, that dopey FBI warning, a lot of times you can't skip that, you can fast forward it, or viewing the trailers, you can't skip them. You can't just put the DVD in your machine and watch the fucking movie, no, you have to fuck about getting past all this shit you have seen a number of times before.  Fucking morons, I hate them !!
Where is the crime in buying a DVD and making yourself a copy to play on tape, or PC or whatever. I don't see a problem with that but they put so much money and effort into stopping it they could give their shit away and still make a profit. Fucking idiots.


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:

He does not endorse the wrong act of distributing music without the author's permission, yet he is serious about what he should be allowed to do with his music (ie. playing his CD anywhere he wants). How is that paradoxical?
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If he were serious about what he should be allowed to do with his music then he'd value the right to copy it, and not value the right of publishers to stop him.


quote:Originally posted by flap:

If he were serious about what he should be allowed to do with his music then he'd value the right to copy it, and not value the right of publishers to stop him.
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Haven't we been down this road before ?   ;)  

I would say there is a difference between copying for your own private use and commercialy reproducing and distributing a "pirated" product.

In the case of music, the artist should have control over the use of their work. Nothing worse than creating a beautiful piece of music and then have someone hijack it to be used as the theme for a porno movie or a jock-itch commercial.


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