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Windows XP help

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I was reading on the site about just changing the desktop.ini files to keep it from creating the index.dat files, and i was wondering how to do it on xp and where i can find the desktop.ini files on windows xp , please any help would be greately appericiated thanks fellas!

try here.

in addition to the three automatic programs there, try this one

one solution is to get the program to make a DOS 6.22 bootdisk, from, then use the disk to boot off of, and go and delete all yr index.dat files, and your desktop.ini files using DOS, as detailed in the first link.

I also found this very interesting forum topic whilst searching for answers here, i'll leave it to one of our Dutch friends to tell me what is actually being discussed in the second half of the page! i'm only a monolinguist i'm afraid!
(edit: Just fixing a broken link, typeo probably)

[ May 09, 2002: Message edited by: X11 ]

Disable "Don't show hidden files" from any Explorer menu...

oh, yes, do that, i thought everybody did that as soon as they installed windows, along with enabling it to stop hiding the file extensions from you as well. Still, some of those hidden files are ones you can't delete. This sequence seems to follow no rhyme or reason, since you can delete a lot of necessary files by accident, and you are prohibited from deleting some files that you would best be rid of. Best to use a DOS boot disk i say.

PS, Refalm, what do you make of that site? i couldn't make head nor tail of it!!

I tried all those commands every different way they are different for xp non of those commmands will work


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