All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company

M$ what a joke.

(1/2) > >>

And you thought M$ Wind$hit 2000 had gone 'Gold', all was finalized, stable, secure. XP we all knew was a waste of code but you'd have thought that it would have advanced enough to avoid these sort of problems.

I'm angry because the ones that suffer are the average person, you know the one's that think that M$ IS computing. How sad. As I have said before, we need to re-educate.

On the up side, how can M$ possibly survive as supposed leader now???

M$ Security Alert
and another
and another
and another

Boycott ALL M$ products, don't give them a chance to spread all their viral-warez.

Why are they still in that position? Because people are gullable fools.

hehe... These posts made me remember this:

A woman calls to the Microsoft Support Center:
-Is that MS Support Center? You know, I've been using Windows 98 for several years without a single failure. What am I doing WRONG?




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