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Some Useful Programming Links

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I didn't see one of these topics already, but I figured one would be nice. Programming links i've found useful (sometimes VERY useful). Feel free to post your own links.

(Note, if you're not sure what PANGO, ATK or GDK is, you can easily look that stuff up on Wikipedia)

GTK+ 2.x API Reference:

GTK General API Reference:

Glade Interface Builder (think VB's simplicity):

Java 2 Platform SE 5.0 Reference:

Java 2 Platform SE 1.4 Reference (just another flavor):

OpenGL Tutorials (covers win/*nix/mac):

One of those nice sites you can post stuff on, to avoid pasting junk in IRC:

MSDN documentation on the C++ STL (Standard Template Library) (yeah, it's MSDN, but I like their layout). This is much better to have than just the http://www.cplusplus.com link people pass around, although i'm not saying that one's useless.

Trigraphs and C/C++ (a possible gotcha for people who weren't introduced to them in a classroom setting).

I'll add one.

C Tutorial (well regarded):


Learn the wonders of programming in Mozilla

Tutorials and examples from XHTML, XML, PHP, ASP .NET, etc.
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials

Great PHP examples (most of em not for real use, some scripts lack security features)

If you need to make some(if any) work an automation in dos here is a good
link for ref. :

Commands Reference with versions, syntax, notes, and examples

 ps(some of them are usefull for MsDos alts. so ...)


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