Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft as a Company => Topic started by: Doctor V on 7 September 2003, 21:42

Title: M$ loosing its grip in Asia
Post by: Doctor V on 7 September 2003, 21:42
Asian nations eye non-Windows software (

This is about that last thing I would expect from the Japanese government, but score 3 more points for OSS.

  :D  V  :D
Title: M$ loosing its grip in Asia
Post by: Enmity on 7 September 2003, 10:15
They never had a grip there, did they?
Title: M$ loosing its grip in Asia
Post by: Doctor V on 7 September 2003, 19:12
Well heloooooooo Mr. fancypants.

To the technical side of things, M$ happens to be a convicted monoploy and has over 90% market share in every nation.  They have their nasty fingers gripping the whole FKing world.

Any decision to promote linux financially is a step in the right direction.

  :eek:  V  :mad:
Title: M$ loosing its grip in Asia
Post by: jasonlane on 8 September 2003, 01:32
Good, I hope the whole experiance leaves them bloody and bruised.
Title: M$ loosing its grip in Asia
Post by: gump420 on 8 September 2003, 03:10
From the article linked to above:

The project, proposed by Japan's Trade Minister Takeo Hiranuma at a conference in Phnom Penh, Cambodia Wednesday, is intended to bolster the popularity of Windows' rivals, such as Linux, and boost their share in such markets as digital cameras, mobile phones and car navigation systems.  

This is the real reason M$ is shitting themselves.  More support for Linux could mean both more embedded electronics devices running versions of Linux rather than Windows, and more devices that are supported under Linux.  Either way, M$ starts to lose market share that they formerlly had a pretty good stranglehold on.