Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: Fett101 on 15 August 2004, 23:39

Title: XP Starter Edition Examined
Post by: Fett101 on 15 August 2004, 23:39
de la mettrie writes "C-Net reports that analysts do not recommend using Microsoft's new 'Windows XP Starter Edition', a low-cost XP version aimed at the Asian market (and previously covered on Slashdot). The report notes that numerous networking features are removed, and the Starter Edition allows only three applications to be run concurrently. According to Microsoft, this limitation 'helps [users] stay organized and reduces confusion.'"

From /. (

I just wanted everyone to get a good laugh at "the Starter Edition allows only three applications to be run concurrently. According to Microsoft, this limitation 'helps [users] stay organized and reduces confusion.'"   :D

[ August 15, 2004: Message edited by: Fett101 ]

Title: XP Starter Edition Examined
Post by: WMD on 16 August 2004, 00:58
They should just rerelease DOS...that's only one app at a time.  :D
Title: XP Starter Edition Examined
Post by: Indecisive_Distro_Chooser on 17 August 2004, 06:25
The same restriction applies to all versions of Windows, they can't handle more than three hahaha.

Title: XP Starter Edition Examined
Post by: skyman8081 on 17 August 2004, 07:02
This isn't going against linux.

It is going against pirated copys of Windows.

I see this measure to reduce fradulent copys of Windows being sold as legitimate a good thing.
Title: XP Starter Edition Examined
Post by: Orethrius on 17 August 2004, 07:57
Sauron, I seriously hope you're joking.  The straight line from Microsoft is always, ALWAYS (well , usually, at any rate) pure crap.  Here's a situation that I used to do on a daily basis, and actually STILL DO under my Linux distros: I open a word processor.  I decide I'd like to have evidence for the essay I'm writing, so I open a browser window.  Music helps me focus, so I open up my media player.  Now, let's say my network suddenly goes down, and I want to run a traceroute or see if I can ping any other box on my LAN?  Under Starter Edition, WHOOPS - "we can't let you do that."  Now I'm sorry, but that's bullshit.  If you're going to PAY for an OS, shouldn't it at least oh, I dunno, OPERATE?  

Or better yet, what happens when MSIE opens fourteen pop-ups on your favorite news site?  I'll bet they make the other programs close.  Now I'm sorry, but that kind of behaviour is an insult to mentally-handicapped persons the world over.

EDIT: Also, when did Linux get involved in this particular discussion?  All I'm seeing here is a monopolistic conglomerate getting ripped off by a number of Indochina bootleggers, which certainly isn't anything NEW.  I have no doubt in my mind that it's precisely THIS kind of patronizing crap that steels their nerves, too.  Microsoft needs to drop their overall system price in markets that warrant it so that the damage by bootleggers is mitigated, not dilute the market with similarly-named products that only serve to further the cause of the bootleggers.

[ August 16, 2004: Message edited by: Midnight Candidate/BOB ]