Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft as a Company => Topic started by: Bob Syco on 9 May 2006, 17:15

Title: How can you trust them when Microsoft has done it again!
Post by: Bob Syco on 9 May 2006, 17:15
Less than a year ago, I purchased my PC from a little computer shop in town. It had Windows XP already installed on it, and they even gave me the install disk with the serial # and everything. It's 100% legit, because it had the stupid little microsoft logo on it that they are so proud of.

Last week, Microsoft decides to create an update that screws around with your system...

1. I don't think that it is legal for Microsoft to alter anything in someone's system!

The alteration caused problems in my start-up, saying that I didn't purchase my windows and it was not genuine.

This problem was quickly resolved and Microsoft was able to help me remove the crap that they installed on my system.

A week later, it's back!

I read on another site who to completely remove it and to prevent it from coming back. It's all about removing the WGATRAY.EXE files.

Now how could I ever trust another product from Microsoft again, if they are pulling crap like that?

That company should be back in court again and this time sued for everything they have!
Title: Re: How can you trust them when Microsoft has done it again!
Post by: Annorax on 9 May 2006, 23:10 FTW.
Title: Re: How can you trust them when Microsoft has done it again!
Post by: mobrien_12 on 10 May 2006, 03:33
Yeah, "genuine advantage" ... genuinely gives microsoft the advantage!

What a crock.....  When they announced their product activation scheme I decided that was it, I was not going to buy any thing with that crap in it.  

Go Free software, where people are not out to screw you.
Title: Re: How can you trust them when Microsoft has done it again!
Post by: jtpenrod on 25 May 2006, 19:35

Less than a year ago, I purchased my PC from a little computer shop in town. It had Windows XP already installed on it, and they even gave me the install disk with the serial # and everything. It's 100% legit, because it had the stupid little microsoft logo on it that they are so proud of.

I bought a new PC that also had XP, the MS logo, and all install disks. I started it up, opened the CD tray, placed a Linux install disk on it, closed CD door, and rebooted. Since then XP and "Windows Advantage" hasn't given me a single bit of trouble.  :D

My neice found that those XP install CDs make great wind chimes.  :D
Title: Re: How can you trust them when Microsoft has done it again!
Post by: emuelle1 on 5 June 2006, 19:35
I was running a VLK that a friend gave me a few years ago on an old laptop. Last week that Genuine Windows thing came up. It finally gave me the push I needed to burn an ISO of SuSE Linux 10.1 and install it on that laptop.
Title: Re: How can you trust them when Microsoft has done it again!
Post by: pofnlice on 6 June 2006, 01:24
One time, at band camp...there was this hot little red headed flute player who....