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All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: Matt on 12 January 2002, 11:37

Title: Encarta99 & Shockwave
Post by: Matt on 12 January 2002, 11:37
Hello, I have another question. When I installed Encarta 99, it also installed Shockwave 2.0.

Now, I cannot view any site which has a flash movie, or a shockwave movie/app/game, or whatever you want to call it.

The movie loads, but then nothing happens. I've removed Shockwave & Flash from my comp, aswell as Encarta, but still no success yet.

Anybody have any ideas about this?

Matt. (
Title: Encarta99 & Shockwave
Post by: voidmain on 12 January 2002, 12:37
You don't mention anywhere that you reinstalled the latest Shockwave/Flash. Did you? Go to ( and install it if not.

[ January 12, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: Encarta99 & Shockwave
Post by: Matt on 12 January 2002, 13:06
I did try there - but none of the pages load. The site thinks I have flash installed, but like I said, it doesn't work.
Title: Encarta99 & Shockwave
Post by: voidmain on 12 January 2002, 20:21
Originally posted by Matt Oleary:
I did try there - but none of the pages load. The site thinks I have flash installed, but like I said, it doesn't work.

Did you see if it is still installed in IE and try to remove it?  Right click on your IE ICON on your desktop, click "Properties", then click "View Objects".  If it's in there, delete it, then try and reload from (

If that doesn't fix it, do you have your IE security set too high? Temporarily set your security to "Low" if it is and see if it then works. If it does then you probably had something turned off that did not allow the flash to be installed or work (Active scripting, ActiveX etc).

If that doesn't fix it, erase Windows and install Linux.
Title: Encarta99 & Shockwave
Post by: Matt on 12 January 2002, 21:15
Thanks VoidMain. I couldn't find it listed under IExplorer. But instead, I upgraded it in the "Downloaded Programs Folder", and now all pages seem to load fine.


[ January 12, 2002: Message edited by: Matt Oleary ]