Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: Zombie9920 on 23 May 2002, 21:14

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 23 May 2002, 21:14
God, how sad is this. People actually throw a party for a web browser? Open Source people really do have pathetic lives eh?

Anyways, the party is taking place on June 12th, 2002 from 8pm to 2am at the DNA Lounge

375 eleventh street
san francisco, CA. (
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 23 May 2002, 21:31
Oh yeah, you have to be 21 to go to the party.  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: psyjax on 23 May 2002, 21:34

Sory to break it to you Zombie748468879879, but your God, M$ is known to do the same thing.

Ever heard the story about the party they had for IE 4.0? And how they put a big IE logo on the Netscape lawn trying to be funny?

Netscape got back at them by putting a statue of Mozilla (back when it was their mascot) on M$'s lawn.
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 23 May 2002, 21:38
Nope, I never have heard of an IE party. If one really did take place then the people who actually attended it are as pathetic as the people who are gonna go to the Mozilla party. ;P

BTW, MS is not my god.
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Calum on 23 May 2002, 22:31
yes, they certainly are. Also, i feel sorry for your (single) god, he/she must be very lonely in the world. you should try being an integrational polytheist like me. Actually, integrational polytheism does not require me to convert anybody so do what you like. Nevermind, you can comfort yrself in the knowledge that i will burn in hell when i die  :D  

PS, here's yr excercise for today, to prove that Hell actually exists, can anybody find me a passage in the Bible that actually mentions Hell? good luck!
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: psyjax on 23 May 2002, 23:33
New Testeament refert to the Lake of Fire. Gehena was the hell in the old testament.

Hell as we know it has gone thrugh several evolutions over the years. Origionaly early jews belived in no afterlife like heven or hell, but mearly an underworld, kinda like the greeks and the romans.

Not untill Zoroaster came to the middle east did ideas about eternal rewards and punishment get introduced. At that time there was a great schizim in the jewish religion divided between the Pharasies who belived in no afterlife and the Saducies who did. You may remember these two factions as Jesus's prime detractors in the new testament.

Hell is ambigious as is the devil, but a place of punishment is indeed mentioned several times, though it's exact nature is never as descriptive as modern christian doctrine has one belive.

Non canonical texts are written on the subject, parts of the cabala, and gnostic teachings have varying accounts of hell, it's nature and purpose.

Alot of this is pulled from the top of my head, so I cant be sure I got ever bit right. for a good article on the subject see: (
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: gnomez on 23 May 2002, 23:49
PS, here's yr excercise for today, to prove that Hell actually exists, can anybody find me a passage in the Bible that actually mentions Hell? good luck!

Here you go:

Psalms 9:17: The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Eze 32:27: And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war.
(I guess I'm going to hell since I'm an uncircumsized heathen)

Mt 5:29 (Jesus speaking) And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. (Gross!)

Mt 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Revelation 20:13-15 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

2Pe 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment

Lu 12:5 But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.

Mt 13:50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

"Hell" in English comes from the Hebrew word sheol, which translated means "grave."

Hell as a place of fire and sorrow is really introduced in the New Testament, the Old Testament "hell" simply meant one's grave and didn't particurally signify an afterlife.

Of course I agree with Albert Einstein that there is no evidence of an afterlife as I don't see how one's mind could be separated from one's body.  So don't worry about it, just focus on today and be happy about being alive   ;)  

PS Zombie yer a dope  Open Source isn't pathetic (mostly, heeh)

[ May 23, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Calum on 24 May 2002, 00:08
well i have a suspicion that those mentions of hell are mistranslations, as your "grave" suggestion implies, much like that topical one in the King James version about not sufferring a witch to live (for the uninitiated, the original text translates as "you shall not suffer a poisoner to live")...
but i'll eat my words gladly since you found so many references.

Also my religion (integrational polytheism) doesn't even require me to be right or wrong, since it includes all other religions, even the contradictory ones.

but i digress.................
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 00:23
Originally posted by Garden GNOME:

PS Zombie yer a dope  Open Source isn't pathetic (mostly, heeh)

[ May 23, 2002: Message edited by: Garden GNOME ]

Ehh, I didn't call Open Source pathetic. I called throwing a party for software pathetic ya fool. "YaY! They released some new software! Lets celebrate!" What a bunch of losers. LoL

[ May 23, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 May 2002, 01:16
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
God, how sad is this. People actually throw a party for a web browser? Open Source people really do have pathetic lives eh?

Anyways, the party is taking place on June 12th, 2002 from 8pm to 2am at the DNA Lounge

375 eleventh street
san francisco, CA. (

the only reason that MS hasnt had very many parties is... what the hell do they have to celebrate??? (i mean other than crushing other peoples innovative ideas)
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: psyjax on 24 May 2002, 02:33
Originally posted by Calum:
well i have a suspicion that those mentions of hell are mistranslations, as your "grave" suggestion implies, much like that topical one in the King James version about not sufferring a witch to live (for the uninitiated, the original text translates as "you shall not suffer a poisoner to live")...
but i'll eat my words gladly since you found so many references.

Also my religion (integrational polytheism) doesn't even require me to be right or wrong, since it includes all other religions, even the contradictory ones.

but i digress.................

BUT CALUM! The king james bible is the only real Bible as God somehow enabled king james to perfectly translate everything.

Not like those evil catholic bibles, or the satanic orthodox bibles. Only the King James has God's seal of aproval.

(BTW, that was sarcasam, as plenty of evangelical christians have this narrow view.)
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: voidmain on 24 May 2002, 02:52
M$ doesn't have parties?  Seems to me they probably have spent more money than any other corp on earth having Launch parties for Win95/98 etc. Are our memories that short?  They even hire big name bands and celebs.  They purchase Beetles songs.  How much of what you spent on your Windows OS went to this kind of crap?
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: voidmain on 24 May 2002, 02:58
M$ doesn't have parties?  Seems to me they probably have spent more money than any other corp on earth having Launch parties for Win95/98 etc. Are our memories that short?  They even hire big name bands and celebs.  They purchase Beetles songs.  How much of what you spent on your Windows OS went to this kind of crap?
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: psyjax on 24 May 2002, 03:41
Holy shit void! Take a look at how many times you posted.

What's up?


[ May 23, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 May 2002, 04:05
maybe he is on acid?
or he computer is on acid (just like mine).

Will some mod delete these extra posts.
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: voidmain on 24 May 2002, 06:26
Did I mention M$ likes to throw launch parties?  (http://smile.gif)  How funny. For some reason when I pressed submit on that message it timed out. I couldn't ping or traceroute to this site and I tried to hit submit a couple more times and it still timed out.  Finally I shut my laptop down and came home.  Looks like every time I hit submit it actually successfully sent my post. How strange.. Oh well, did I mention M$ likes to throw launch parties?
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Kintaro on 24 May 2002, 13:17
Zombie, if open source people are sad for trowing partys to celebrate a "Web Browser" who is more lame, the lame person or the person who follows them...

You being the lame ass motherfucka who follows us on here. You are the sad lowlife, who has nothing better to do than stir up shit on a forum. For fuck sake, get another gf or somthing and stop spilling your insainity onto our forums. Somtimes you tend to make your self usefull (but M$ do that too) but most the time your an Anti Linux pro Microsoft retard... You obviously have deep psycological problems. And you must seek psycological help!
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie3241234 on 24 May 2002, 13:38
Originally posted by X11:
Zombie, if open source people are sad etc

I am a secretive cunt who should be kicked repeatedly in the unmentionables. Anybody here want to come round to my house and give me a good kicking?

Why doesn't somebody make sure i cannot do this in future, as i am such a weaselly little twerp who doesn't deserve to even be here in the first place?

And My IP Address Is

[ May 26, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Kintaro on 24 May 2002, 14:39
No calum that secrative cunt did not sign up as badkarmer, a secrative cunt did but not that one  ;)
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Calum on 24 May 2002, 14:41
okay, i changed it again, my mistake, i was getting overzealous and a bunch of words were flying around on the screen. Must have got some mixed up in my head!

anyway, i think the cunt has stopped posting for today, but when will we finally get some sort of countermeasure, like being able to see his ip, and banning the cunt for good, also total deletion of his posts at a stroke, instead of this poofing about doing one at a time???
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: badkarma on 24 May 2002, 16:08
don't reply and close/delete all his topics ... should bore him soon enough
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Calum on 24 May 2002, 16:16
i already deleted half his posts, but he has an irritating habit of posting in forums where i do not administrate.

why can't we just nuke the little bastard, and have done with it?
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 19:52
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I am a secretive cunt who should be kicked repeatedly in the unmentionables. Anybody here want to come round to my house and give me a good kicking?

Why doesn't somebody make sure i cannot do this in future, as i am such a weaselly little twerp who doesn't deserve to even be here in the first place?

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Wow, somebody is infatuated with me. He actually took enough time to pose as me(like he did a few other members). Bravo.  :rolleyes:
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Refalm on 24 May 2002, 20:39
quote: Fight the power, kid. But the sad truth of San Francisco's liquor laws is that there is no way for a bar to ever allow any customer in who is under 21, ever, even if they were to choose not to serve alcohol that night. Nightclubs and concert halls that are 18+ are technically restaurants: they have kitchens and serve dinner. DNA Lounge doesn't have a kitchen, so it's technically a bar, and just because you're old enough to vote and kill, you're not old enough to enter a bar. Sorry, that's how it is. You can read all about the permit mess on the DNA Lounge site.

Mozilla can't help it that their only permitting 21+'ers...
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 20:55
Originally posted by X11:
No calum that secrative cunt did not sign up as badkarmer, a secrative cunt did but not that one    ;)  

I have a sneaky suspicion that X11 is the secretive cunt(seeing how he is the only person who hasn't been imitated). God knows, he has the mentality of a kid so I could see him doing the shit.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Gooseberry Clock on 24 May 2002, 22:13
What are you talking about? I was X12 and Z11. (
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 22:19
Originally posted by Gooseberry Clock:
What are you talking about? I was X12 and Z11. (

Yeah, but you never used an imitation name that looks exactly like his name, did you? ;P

Anyone can make an imitation name with a letter or number changed around in the name. The guy doing this shit is making names that look *EXACTLY* like our names.
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 May 2002, 22:21
I dont wanna be accused of anything.
This is not the way the secretive cunt does it. But anyone can change their display name to look like that of another user.
The way you can tell it is me is, because i have 5 stars more than the real zombie has  (http://smile.gif)

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 May 2002, 22:27
and when i change my display name back... it will change to show my name beside all of my posts again, so you will have no idea what i was talking about in that previous post unless you happened to view it around 1:30PM EASTERN time.

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 22:28
Originally posted by Zombie9920:
I dont wanna be accused of anything.
This is not the way the secretive cunt does it. But anyone can change their display name to look like that of another user.
The way you can tell it is me is, because i have 5 stars more than the real zombie has        (http://smile.gif)      

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

You are Master of Reality. Your sig gives that one away. LoL

BTW, I bet you guys are using ASCII to imitate names? Lets see, & # 97 should = a

Test. a

(EDIT)Hey, imagine that..I was right. Now if I had the mentallity that X11(and now MAster of Reality) has, I would make a fake name to give you guys a hard time...but guess what, I'm not going to do that because I'm way too mature for childish games.     ;)    

 You guys aren't as clever as you think you are ehh? I think the Webmaster should disable ASCII on this forum, then there will be no more secretive cunt.(EDIT)

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 22:36
Then again, maybe X11 isn't the secretive cunt..maybe it is Master of Reality and X11 just knew it was you.

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Master of Reality on 24 May 2002, 22:40
you see there are problems with your theory. I changed my Display name to imitate yours. (in case you didnt notice, there is login names and display names) Moderators can look at the profile to see the users login names. I checked and he had the same login name as the person he was imitating. And i didnt make a new account.

test yourr theory about using that other method= a

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: Zombie9920 on 24 May 2002, 22:44
Originally posted by Master of Reality:
you see there are problems with your theory. I changed my Display name to imitate yours. (in case you didnt notice, there is login names and display names) Moderators can look at the profile to see the users login names. I checked and he had the same login name as the person he was imitating. And i didnt make a new account.

test yourr theory about using that other method= a

[ May 24, 2002: Message edited by: Master of Reality ]

So you can just edit your profile to show up as someone elses screen name? That is screwed up. And to think, this forum is being run on Linux...and you guys want to talk about Linux having superior security?
Title: Mozilla 1.0 party
Post by: voidmain on 25 May 2002, 00:36
You obviously didn't think because this forum is not run on Linux.  And besides the OS is only as secure as the applications you run on it. Were you actually able to drop to a shell account and format the hard drive? I don't believe so. Now, let's talk about IIS.