Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft as a Company => Topic started by: LorKorub on 5 December 2002, 04:02

Title: Sun's Case Against the M$ Monopoly Begins
Post by: LorKorub on 5 December 2002, 04:02
From yesterday's paper: (

The eveidence is clear in this case as to exactly what M$ is trying to do with its abusive stranglehold over the computing world.  It give a little insight to what .Net's primary goal really is.
Title: Sun's Case Against the M$ Monopoly Begins
Post by: voidmain on 5 December 2002, 04:13
And another good article on Java vs .NET: (

It's a year old but still valid.
Title: Sun's Case Against the M$ Monopoly Begins
Post by: RudeCat7 on 5 December 2002, 05:07
I can feel a change for the better beginning...