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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: xyle_one on 29 April 2003, 01:10

Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: xyle_one on 29 April 2003, 01:10
wow. very nice. iTunes has a small facelift, cleaner interface, plus Music Store. so far, i really dig music store. though, i have had a little trouble accessing the library, but i am sure that will be fixed. .99 a song is not bad, and it is all aac, which is smaller than mp3. i wonder if i can convert that into mp3. anyways, it looks like you can buy whole cds for a good price too. .99 for each track, and 20+ tracks a cd could get rediculous, but it seems like there is a discount for buying the whole thing. cool. i could very well get into this service. no version for other systems yet. so you will have to wait. i do not know if a linux version will be available, and i will be alittle annoyed if they dont write one.

the new iPods are very cool as well. lighter than 2 cds, and holds 30gigs worth of mp3 & aac. too cool. and it now has a dock, for easier transfering between mac & iPod. so, it looks like im going to dump some money into apple soon  ;)
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: bossesjoe on 29 April 2003, 01:30
Originally posted by ecsyle:
wow. very nice. iTunes has a small facelift, cleaner interface, plus Music Store. so far, i really dig music store. though, i have had a little trouble accessing the library, but i am sure that will be fixed. .99 a song is not bad, and it is all aac, which is smaller than mp3. i wonder if i can convert that into mp3. anyways, it looks like you can buy whole cds for a good price too. .99 for each track, and 20+ tracks a cd could get rediculous, but it seems like there is a discount for buying the whole thing. cool. i could very well get into this service. no version for other systems yet. so you will have to wait. i do not know if a linux version will be available, and i will be alittle annoyed if they dont write one.

the new iPods are very cool as well. lighter than 2 cds, and holds 30gigs worth of mp3 & aac. too cool. and it now has a dock, for easier transfering between mac & iPod. so, it looks like im going to dump some money into apple soon   ;)  

Very true, I am buying one too, but I wonder if the 10 gigs can use the dock?  And also I don't like the font in itunes4, too grainy
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 29 April 2003, 04:39
Wow!!   :eek:  

Except I think there's something wrong with the search engine in the music store. I found System of a Down stuff okay, but then I searched for White Stripes and it gave me no matches, then for the heck of it I searched for metallica and it also returned no matches!! I could also find the Vines perfectly.

As for iTunes 4, very nice. I was looking at the Visualizer and was thinking it had some new patterns. Very cool, although I'm not very fond of the new green color scheme.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pantso on 29 April 2003, 04:45
I just finished downloading it and I have to say that it looks nice as always. I haven't tried the music store yet, but I have to admit that I don't like this aac stuff. I'm usually very reluctant when it comes to proprietary formats and this certainly looks like one.   :rolleyes:   I'll do some search to see if I can convert them to MP3s.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pantso on 29 April 2003, 04:52
Why do I suddenly feel neglected? (   :(
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: cocoamix on 29 April 2003, 05:28
The playlist streaming feature rocks. My friends and I are all checking out each other's collections.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: xyle_one on 29 April 2003, 05:31
Originally posted by Panos:
Why do I suddenly feel neglected? (    :(  

weak  :(
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pantso on 29 April 2003, 05:38
Originally posted by ecsyle:

weak   :(  

Apple must have something against my country. Not only don't they officially support Greek, they don't list Greece on their official site.   :eek:  

As I found out, the reason for that kind of poor support was the low percentage of sales in Greece, a situation that has recently started changing. Hopefully, one day we might make it to Apple's music store.   :(
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 29 April 2003, 05:40
That sucks! This did just start today though. I'm sure it won't be long.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pantso on 29 April 2003, 05:44
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
That sucks! This did just start today though. I'm sure it won't be long.

Well, I like to believe so myself.   :rolleyes:   I'm really starting to get jealous of you guys. Looks like every Mac related boards I visit (hell, even Slashdot) today, have threads about how great the Music store feature is etc.   :D
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: billy_gates on 29 April 2003, 06:26
I love it, just love it, I doubt I will use it much, I still have a thing about having a physical copy and full on CD quality, instead of slightly less quality compressed.  Although I do have my list in mp3, just because I don't want it to use the whole damn hard drive.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: bossesjoe on 29 April 2003, 06:36
Originally posted by Macman: HAS 1000 POSTS:
Except I think there's something wrong with the search engine in the music store. I found System of a Down stuff okay, but then I searched for White Stripes and it gave me no matches, then for the heck of it I searched for metallica and it also returned no matches!! I could also find the Vines perfectly

Nothing wrong with the search engine, its just that Metallica hasn't signed with the record labels that are involed with this whole thing. I don't think apple isn't making the money, its the labels, apple is doing this for:
1) Bringing music to mac users legally
2)Pioneering a new legal download service
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 29 April 2003, 21:01
Originally posted by bossesjoe:

Nothing wrong with the search engine, its just that Metallica hasn't signed with the record labels that are involed with this whole thing. I don't think apple isn't making the money, its the labels, apple is doing this for:
1) Bringing music to mac users legally
2)Pioneering a new legal download service

Yeah I knew that...
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: billy_gates on 29 April 2003, 18:34
Originally posted by Panos:
I just finished downloading it and I have to say that it looks nice as always. I haven't tried the music store yet, but I have to admit that I don't like this aac stuff. I'm usually very reluctant when it comes to proprietary formats and this certainly looks like one.    :rolleyes:    I'll do some search to see if I can convert them to MP3s.

Isn't MP3 proprietary as well.  If only apple would support Ogg vorbis, that would be cool.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Crunchy(Cracked)Butter on 30 April 2003, 01:16
just placed on order for the 15GB ipod.

The 10GB ipods are the new ones as well and they can use the dock if you want it to, the advantage of the dock is that it has another firewire port for daisy chaining, unlike the older ipod which took up the one port.  Bonus for ibook owners like me!
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: bossesjoe on 30 April 2003, 01:24
I was going to buy a 10 gig and buy a dock, case and remote seperate, but then I saw-

iPod - 10GB

iPod Carrying Case with Belt Clip

iPod Dock                                      

iPod Remote & Earphones

Adds up to

And so I am just getting a 15 gig that comes with all that stuff for a lower price! ($399.00)

werid, but it works for me!

P.S. Did anyone figure out how to change the font in iTunes4?

[ April 29, 2003: Message edited by: bossesjoe ]

Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pantso on 30 April 2003, 02:47
Originally posted by Billy Gates: Mac Comrade Captain:

Isn't MP3 proprietary as well.  If only apple would support Ogg vorbis, that would be cool.

You can't call the MP3 format proprietary in a strict sense, since you can reproduce them on every platform, including GNU/Linux of course. Ogg vorbis would indeed be better though.   (http://smile.gif)
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 30 April 2003, 04:47
[RANDOM THOUGHT]Apple should have a sweepstakes of some sort[/RANDOM THOUGHT]
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: trc3 on 30 April 2003, 18:05
Hmmm.. What kind of sweapstakes?  Anyway you can fix the grainy font issue in itunes, go to general in system prefs. and change the smallest font smoothing size from 9 to 8.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: bossesjoe on 1 May 2003, 01:17
Originally posted by trc3:
Hmmm.. What kind of sweapstakes?  Anyway you can fix the grainy font issue in itunes, go to general in system prefs. and change the smallest font smoothing size from 9 to 8.

Thank you, soo much better I think!
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: TechDeck on 4 May 2003, 21:27
About iTunes 4's font.  iTunes 4 uses a smaller font than earlier versions.  In the System Preferences > General, at the bottom you'll see "Turn off text smoothing for font sizes" then a popdown menu, then "and smaller."  You have to set that to a smaller number, 8 is what I use, but I'm not sure about other numbers.  You'll have to expiriment.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 6 May 2003, 08:49
Has anyone noticed any sound fluxuations? I noticed some and I don't remember hearing them in the previous version. If no one else has heard anything then I'm probably just losing my mind.
Title: iTunes4 & Music Store
Post by: The Lost on 6 May 2003, 18:56
Yes, the sounds in the previous versions sound a bit clearer and, ummm... louder, but since I started to compare how iTunes 3 'sound' against the Version 4, MP3s in Version 4 sound a bit strange