Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: emh on 25 December 2002, 22:52
-,2933,73435,00.html (,2933,73435,00.html)
This could be potentially troublesome.
Although this could mean that all the crap that Microsoft is doing to free software could finally come back to bite them in the ass with this patent.
they call it a free country, but hey can own a way of thinking??? and my parents are still under the illusione that it is a free country. and good articles not aimed at the technical type? im going to print out the article on the pregnant women getting abused at the airport
AOL? Taken from my MES profile:
Hmmm just for fun...
ICQ ID: Allies only...fuckin n00b :D
Originally posted by lazygamer:
AOL? Taken from my MES profile:
Hmmm just for fun...
ICQ ID: Allies only...fuckin n00b :D
We should hold a contest who can think of the most instances of prior art that this patent covers.
Well, there was an old unix command...
One point for quirk (http://smile.gif)
When was IRC thought up?
well, did'nt icq exist bfore this patent was filled
I have the whole rfc on my computer for IRC, let me check...
May 1993
Its RFC1459
AOL bought ICQ.
Technically, the patent is for ICQ. However, as Fett1011 has already stated, AOL bought ICQ, so the patent is theirs, as far as I can tell.
Maybe we should start a forum? :D
- (
NOW THERES IRONY (lets do it)
Originally posted by choasforages:
they call it a free country, but hey can own a way of thinking??? and my parents are still under the illusione that it is a free country. and good articles not aimed at the technical type? im going to print out the article on the pregnant women getting abused at the airport
you have no context, say sexually abused.
Originally posted by choasforages:
well, did'nt icq exist bfore this patent was filled
Well, ICQ existed prior to 1993, and apparently that means that their patent goes back to that time (I'm not sure, I'm not a lawyer).