Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Xeen on 20 October 2003, 01:31

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Xeen on 20 October 2003, 01:31
This is being written in response to this (


Where the fuck are:
The Master of Reality/Bob
demigod chaosforages
The Muffin Man
and most importantly - WHERE THE FUCK IS THE WEBMASTER????

I'm really not trying to feed the trolls, but I'm writing this because I'm sick and tired of seeing shit like ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

If you're not gonna do your mod job, then hand over your password to someone else who will!
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 20 October 2003, 02:05
How strange that the same people on that list are the ones who've disappeared. Last person I heard from on this forum was Aaron, but I know Muffin Man has been posting at another forum lately.

But don't dare ask Calum to do a better job, he'll get all defensive and call you a communist or something.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: xyle_one on 20 October 2003, 04:10
Im only mod of one forum, so do not expect me to fix anything. Did you send PMs to any of the mods? Calum has said that if you PM him with a link to the thread, he will fix it. I dont know about the other mods though. Why not email webmaster and explain that there are a lot of trollish threads and not enough clean up going on.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: hm_murdock on 20 October 2003, 04:33
Webmaster doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure of it. He hasn't since the name change.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Stryker on 20 October 2003, 04:42
i'm here [almost] every day. there were 3 threads in that list that i had control over, 2 of them were halfway decent and could either get binned or not, safe either way... i've deleted all of them anyways. i agree though, too many mods aren't around anymore. I'd suggest someone IMing the webmaster... not everyone, just someone who has it (i do, but wont give it out... he dont want u to have it) and is willing to talk to him. I would but I'd feel weird, can't explain it. I posted a similar topic in the mod section, the mods you mentioned replied eventually... most of them are busy with life, but come here every once in a while. The only mods I ever see around here are me and macman, sometimes calum. (If I forgot someone, dont take it personally... dont see you often enough to think of it right now)

[ October 19, 2003: Message edited by: Stryker ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Stryker on 20 October 2003, 04:43
Originally posted by Darth Jimmy James:
Webmaster doesn't exist. I'm pretty sure of it. He hasn't since the name change.

he exists, he's online quite often.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Windows_SuX_@$$ on 20 October 2003, 04:56
True, We need more Clean up in these Forums
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Xeen on 20 October 2003, 05:49
Originally posted by Stryker:

he exists, he's online quite often.

So IM him!!!!! Tell him to get his ass here at least ONCE and make new moderators, or get himself an assistant webmaster. Otherwise, some of us are starting to think about making a new forum/site to discuss Mirco$loth, RIAA, MPAA, etc..
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Stryker on 20 October 2003, 06:54
Originally posted by xeen:

So IM him!!!!!

Find someone who wants to be a mod, and someone who doesn't anymore... then i'll IM him and bring it to his attention.


Otherwise, some of us are starting to think about making a new forum/site to discuss Mirco$loth, RIAA, MPAA, etc..

I know, I'm not really against that idea. I'd like to be able to ban a few people, i've even offered to help start one up on my server. I could probably find $20 laying around to buy a domain name. it's an intresting idea, should be looked into further.

[ October 19, 2003: Message edited by: Stryker ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Canadian Lover on 20 October 2003, 18:46
This pice of shit UBB we use only supports 4 mods per forum!!!!! Maby if we got a phpbb we could have more mod coverage.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: M51DPS on 20 October 2003, 23:33
I'm here practically every day (mostly because I don't actually have a life), I wonder if I could eventually become a mod.

[ October 21, 2003: Message edited by: M51DPS ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Laukev7 on 21 October 2003, 04:57
I would volunteer as a moderator.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 21 October 2003, 06:37
If someone is going to quit hanging around as much as the people on the list then they atleast should have the decency to hand their mod positions over to someone who can do the job. This PMing them when theres a troll thread is bullshit. I don't care how fast they can get to it, there are other people like Laukev7 and M51DPS who can do it faster because they actually are here. Everyone on that list should have quit long ago.

And don't get mad about the Webmaster not being here, in the year and a half that I've been here he's only posted a handful of times.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Aaron Ni on 21 October 2003, 08:06
All I really do here is delete the troll threads in Microsoft Hardware and Applications.  I rarely bin them seeing as they're garbage so I understand it looks like I'm not around....

That and I dont socialise here.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Canadian Lover on 21 October 2003, 18:12
I'm here every day. I vonenteer.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: xyle_one on 21 October 2003, 20:03
I vote M51DPS and Laukev for some new mod positions. Anyone want to give up their mod rights (like they will even see this since they are never here, whatever  ;)  )

I really don't bin anything. I just delete it. I think the bin is really for locked threads, or threads that didn't make it, not for the troll posts. Those should just be deleted.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Refalm on 21 October 2003, 20:50

Use pruning to delete all posts by member # 2793 in your UBB Control Panel.

Click herre to continue.

[edit: edited out link]

[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Maniaman on 22 October 2003, 03:17
I'm, here daily too. The Webmaster needs to do soemthing about the trolls. It's getting way out of hand.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: xyle_one on 22 October 2003, 03:39
Bad Karma- Microsoft in the News

Demigod Chaosforages- Unix/Linux , Not Quite Mainstream, Programming networking

Calum- Linux, Not Quite Mainstream, Applications, Lounge, Programming networking, Suggestions, Featured, Dead Thread Zone

Rayuva-  Macos

Webmaster- MS Hardware, Not Quite Mainstream, Applications, Programming networking, Suggestions, Featured.

Now i know that Calum has to attend to business, and cannot be here much. The rest, i just want to know if they are here, or what. If not, that is alot of mod positions that need to be filled. And, why, if webmaster is god supreme of the forums, is he a mod as well? He can already control and edit everything. Anyways. Im around. I can mod if need be.

[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: Ecsyle: now with capitals ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Master of Reality on 22 October 2003, 20:39
Originally posted by Refalm:

Use pruning to delete all posts by member # 2793 in your UBB Control Panel.

Click herre to continue.

shit, youd better not. Thats fucked up the forum before.

[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Master of Reality on 22 October 2003, 20:41
Originally posted by Refalm:

Use pruning to delete all posts by member # 2793 in your UBB Control Panel.

Click here to continue.

well i see a whole bunch of nonexistent threads now in the lounge... so i guess someone already did. If you want to know how to fix it just ask   ;)

[ October 22, 2003: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / Bob ]

Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: xyle_one on 22 October 2003, 20:43
Originally posted by The Master of Reality / Bob:

well i see a whole bunch of nonexistent threads now in the lounge... so i guess someone already did. If you want to know how to fix it just ask   ;)  

I didnt think you were here anymore. Good to see that i was wrong.

I cant fix it. Im not a mod in the lounge.
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: Master of Reality on 22 October 2003, 20:54
you can fix it.. dont have to be a mod to fix the mods fuckups  (http://smile.gif)  Ill find out how.. its in some old thread in the mod forum
Title: Where have all the mods gone!!?
Post by: xyle_one on 23 October 2003, 00:06