Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Calum on 1 December 2002, 06:02

Title: what's my hardware?
Post by: Calum on 1 December 2002, 06:02
sounds like a bizarre local TV quiz show doesn't it?

well it's not.

how do i find out what my hardware is so i can go looking for drivers and so on for it?
this is on a laptop, and the laptop has got windows 3.11 on it, and also linux. i don't know how in either of those systems to find out what's installed. the BIOS doesn't seem to have a clue either. it knows lots of stuff about IRQs and so on, but nothing about the hardware in the machine. already tried looking the laptop up on the net, it might just as well not exist.

thanks in advance, although i don't see how anybody could help me with the sparsity of information i provided...  (http://smile.gif)
Title: what's my hardware?
Post by: choasforages on 1 December 2002, 06:07
linux, hmmmm, if its not a kernel from the stone age
cat /proc/pci
cat /proc/ioports
cat /proc/interrupts
cat /proc/isapnp

on a modern linux system that shuold be enough info to get you going. but procfs might not be supported on you kernel.
Title: what's my hardware?
Post by: Master of Reality on 1 December 2002, 06:13
# lspci

[ November 30, 2002: Message edited by: The Master of Reality / B0B ]

Title: what's my hardware?
Post by: Calum on 1 December 2002, 08:52
thanks, choas!
i got the following file out of it:
Code: [Select]
the last directory you suggested doesn't exist (the ISA Plug and pray one i presume it means?)
interestingly i am going to have to decipher this file now!  (http://smile.gif)  well, i am well on the way anyway.
MoR, thanks, but sadly lspci isn't installed on this computer it seems. just have to do things the hard way! ('rpm based system'? that's for cissies!)  :D