Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: doublefresh on 10 November 2002, 19:35

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: doublefresh on 10 November 2002, 19:35
I'm new to your site and I've just spent the last half hour reading a number of your articles. I agree with most of your opinions. I found many of the articles very informative. I even own a couple of linux machines.

I must however scold your game player bashing. Obviously you know very little about computer gaming and the hard core gamer. We like the ability to play multiplayer games with other people on the internet. We like to run servers capable of hosting hundreds of users. We create our own maps, character skins, sounds and other things you can not do with a "Play station".

Microsoft still has the upper hand in gaming but I'll be happy to switch to Linux full time if they ever make it easy to install and modify computer games.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: RudeCat7 on 10 November 2002, 20:06
microsoft has you fooled..... should you have to spend $200 on an OS, and $1000? on a computer to play games? That is their big hook...get the kiddies, and the parents will follow. It's kinda like McDonald's success formula. Use happy meals to get the little kids, and the parents of course, have to comply.

It is an intelligent business model, but don't be blind to it.

Why do you think that copy protection hasn't made any real progress when it comes to games?
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Refalm on 10 November 2002, 20:28
doublefresh: Microsoft still has the upper hand in gaming but I'll be happy to switch to Linux full time if they ever make it easy to install and modify computer games.

Well, Epic Games has made Unreal Tournament 2003 compatible with Linux. There's a Linux and Windows version in every box.

Well, that makes it worth not to download it off some warez site I think  ;)
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 10 November 2002, 21:46
Originally posted by doublefresh:
I must however scold your game player bashing. Obviously you know very little about computer gaming and the hard core gamer. We like the ability to play multiplayer games with other people on the internet. We like to run servers capable of hosting hundreds of users. We create our own maps, character skins, sounds and other things you can not do with a "Play station".

Get over it.

Microsoft still has the upper hand in gaming but I'll be happy to switch to Linux full time if they ever make it easy to install and modify computer games.

Quit your whining and do something about it. Learn how to program and make it happen. That's what Linux is all about. If you don't want to do that, continue to use Microsoft or quit whining about something you get for free from someone who donated their sweat and time.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: psyjax on 11 November 2002, 00:03
Gamers are often times lamers.

I play games myself, and own several systems. But Id be damned if I baught a computer specifically for games!

Granted I do share a friends PC to play IWDII etc.   :D   but that's about as far as I go.

Gamers tend to think they are very L337 for some ungodly reason. They spend to much time and money on software that does nothing productive, (not that games are bad, but $1500+ then maybe a couple of hundred bucks on software, then maybe another 1500+ upgrading your machine after 3 years, plz, that's just dumb).

[ November 10, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax v6.9 /Dave ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Fett101 on 11 November 2002, 01:41
microsoft has you fooled..... should you have to spend $200 on an OS, and $1000? on a computer to play games?

All the gamers I know use thier machines for a variety of things. Watching Music and Videos, browsing the internet, typing up work. CD Burning. Communication. What do you do on your box?

Why do you think that copy protection hasn't made any real progress when it comes to games?

Are you saying that they intentionally make bad copy protection on games? Hah.

Quit your whining and do something about it. Learn how to program and make it happen. That's what Linux is all about. If you don't want to do that, continue to use Microsoft

And thus, MS rules the majority of PCs.

Gamers tend to think they are very L337 for some ungodly reason.

Quite a statement for such a broad group of people.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 11 November 2002, 01:48
Originally posted by fett101:
And thus, MS rules the majority of PCs.

No argument there. But Linux has 100% of the PCs in my house.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: doublefresh on 11 November 2002, 06:01
Holy Sh1T,

I tell you I agree with most of what you say but then I myself get bashed by you for not agreeing that computer users should not play games!

Blow me sideways! Your attitude is why Unix/Linux will never be anything more than a toy for computer Geeks. Your average user does not have the time or patience to learn anything more than click and point. XP is the easiest thing to install on the planet and it makes networking pretty friggin easy as well. I know most of you enjoy feeling elite and pompus being able to install red hat or free bsd on your P166 and coding your own "when to wipe your a$$" schedule but the other 99% of the population just wants something easy to use.

I came here agreeing with everything you had to say other than your attitude towards gamers but I leave thinking you are all just a bunch of assholes!
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: doublefresh on 11 November 2002, 06:07
BTW, I have not paid for a MS operating system since Windows 95, I do have 2 Linux boxes, I do spend time playing games on the net and I bet I still get laid more often than you, make more money than you and have visited more countries than you ever will.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: RudeCat7 on 11 November 2002, 06:17
Oh boy,
can you sense the insecurity in this one? Some of our locals are gamerz, and you don't see them freaking out.

Damn it! I thought I could leave my old sig out...
but I can't, because it's obviously needed for a reference.

btw- flame away, but I don't plan to waste my time on you, ummm, whatever your name is...
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 11 November 2002, 06:19
Originally posted by doublefresh:
BTW, I have not paid for a MS operating system since Windows 95, I do have 2 Linux boxes, I do spend time playing games on the net and I bet I still get laid more often than you, make more money than you and have visited more countries than you ever will.

Who are you talking to?
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: psyjax on 11 November 2002, 06:26
Ya, no one flamed you! Why the hell you trashing the forum?

We just gave our opinions on the issue. So chill the fuck out.

EDIT: Is this a candidate for piracy m0r?  (http://smile.gif)

[ November 10, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax v6.9 /Dave ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: RudeCat7 on 11 November 2002, 06:26
VOID: I don't think anyone here has paid for windows since '95...LOL!!!

Not even Zombie9920....LOL!!!

*meow !---I want chicken, I want liver...

[ November 10, 2002: Message edited by: Black & White Cat ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: doublefresh on 11 November 2002, 07:15
Sorry, I'm not a regular here and it's been a while since I've been a non-regular on a message board. I'm not used to being treated like shit.

So some of you think computers should not be use for games. Thats fine. You are all welcome to your own opinions.

Linux/Unix will be the choice of those whos intent it is to understand the OS they use. I still claim 99% of computer users don't care how it works as long as it works.

I've installed Quake III on Linux and it took a whole afternoon to get it to work. On an MS operating system it took about 5 minutes. Are you telling me it's cool because it takes a long time to figure out?

As someone above said to me "get over it"

Linux/Unix/Free BSD are free, open source, and used by people who understand computers. No one but 1% of computer users could give a hoot that MS keeps track of what sites you go to, or what you buy.

MS will continue to dominate the market for years and years to come. And it won't be my fault because I don't buy their products.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: doublefresh on 11 November 2002, 07:37
Yah I'm back for more,

Black & White Cat states

"Why do you think that copy protection hasn't made any real progress when it comes to games?"

Copy protection in general is Weak. MS has not produced an OS that could not be pirated, Same for Adobe, Macromedia and most other software makers.

void main

Tells me to "get over it" And thinks the solution to get rid of MS is to have everyone on the planet become a programmer with the skills of ID software engineers.

It will never happen! No one want's to have to become a programmer to complete basic everyday tasks.

My favorite quote is from psyjax v6.9 /Dave

"Gamers are often times lamers. Gamers tend to think they are very L337 for some ungodly reason. They spend to much time and money on software that does nothing productive, (not that games are bad, but $1500+ then maybe a couple of hundred bucks on software, then maybe another 1500+ upgrading your machine after 3 years, plz, that's just dumb)"

LOL! that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
I don't think I'm elite and I don't buy software, I download it. My newest computer is a 750 T-bird with a TNT2 video card that I paid less than $350 to build. And as far as "Nothing Productive" games are what got me interested in basic TCT/IP, networking, and the skills that got me the job I have now.

Fett101 is the only cool guy among you.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: psyjax on 11 November 2002, 08:17
Wow! Seems like you came here LOOKING to get pissed off. You sir ARE a lamer  (http://tongue.gif)

Have fun, Im not entertaining anymore of this nonsensse.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 11 November 2002, 08:21
Like I said, get over it. If you don't want to write your own games then complain to the game vendors to write games for Linux. Installing and playing games doesn't have to be difficult as witnessed by Unreal Tournament.

As far as your comment about being to more countries and making more money, I don't see how that relates to this thread in the least. And although entirely possible, I seriously doubt that you have been to more countries than I and make more money than I. Let's see, countries I have been to:

Saudi Arabia

And I know there are a couple more that I am not thinking of...

As far as money, well at $150/hr you figure it out.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: slave on 11 November 2002, 08:34
Posted by doublefresh:
I've installed Quake III on Linux and it took a whole afternoon to get it to work. On an MS operating system it took about 5 minutes.

I'm a windows fan myself, but please, why did it take you a whole afternoon to install quake 3 on linux?  I'm a Linux n00b and it took me less than half an hour to set up winex and install Warcraft 3 which is a windows game!  Quake 3 must've taken me 1.6 minutes to install...

I don't think these guys are saying that all gamers are stupid.  All they're saying is that anyone who would spend 1500 bucks on a glorified gaming console and then another 150-300 bucks on Windows XP just so they can play some k3wl new windows-only game and nothing more is, to put it bluntly, a moron.  Most of the people here think that games should not be the deciding factor on what kind of operating system to use.  There are so many wonderful things computers can do besides run counter-strike and the latest Quake ripoff.  Personally I can play most of my favorate games like WC3, UnrealTourney2003, the Quake games, and plenty of others on either Linux or Windows.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: RudeCat7 on 11 November 2002, 08:43
Ummm....well said, umm *gasp* XP User....  :eek:
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Doctor V on 12 November 2002, 07:18
Originally posted by doublefresh:
Holy Sh1T,

I tell you I agree with most of what you say but then I myself get bashed by you for not agreeing that computer users should not play games!

Blow me sideways! Your attitude is why Unix/Linux will never be anything more than a toy for computer Geeks. Your average user does not have the time or patience to learn anything more than click and point. XP is the easiest thing to install on the planet and it makes networking pretty friggin easy as well. I know most of you enjoy feeling elite and pompus being able to install red hat or free bsd on your P166 and coding your own "when to wipe your a$$" schedule but the other 99% of the population just wants something easy to use.

I came here agreeing with everything you had to say other than your attitude towards gamers but I leave thinking you are all just a bunch of assholes!

God Damn this guy is funny!  Dear doublefresh, why are you bothering to censor out words like shit and ass which posting on a forum on  First off, XP is not the easiest thing on the planet to install, Mandrake Linux 9.0 beats it out cleanly.  I'm a gamer too.  I love games.  WC3 is my favorite PC game.  It works well on linux with wine.  In fact, any PC game that dosn't work with the latest version of wine will likely work with the next version.  I can wait until then.  Even though I am an impatient SOB, waiting it out won't be so hard because I own a PS2.  Granted, $ony is nearly as evil as M$, but hey they have great games, more than I could ever even want (I will never buy from $ony again, from now on its Nintendo only.  GB advance rocks).  Linux is already alot more than a toy for geeks.  It is the best server available.  It dosn't crash.  Great for business, and great for games.  Games would mostly be made for linux if it were not for M$'s illegal marketing tactics.

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Calum on 12 November 2002, 22:07
doublefresh, i sometimes see this happen, it is quite predictable. here goes:

1) 133t gamer, warez d00d posts here about how he agrees with us all and would only use h4xx0rr3d copies of windows or some claptrap

2) about half a dozen people say 'oh yes, well here's my opinion, and by the way the wool has been pulled over your eyes, here's why'

3) aforementioned 133t gam3r d00d gets really pissed off and posts a bunch of posts about how he was really nice to us and all we did was insult him et c, which is always a bunch of lies. This 'bashing' you claim to have received is ENTIRELY in your mind. it is totally the result of your personal insecurities. Just because you suck up in your first post, do not assume this gives you the right to receive only touchy feely posts in future.

conclusion) sadly, most of these people quickly fuck off, presumably without ever thinking for themselves in the process. thinking for yourself is difficult if you are not used to doing it, however it will do you well in the long run. Again, sadly most of the world's population do not agree with me.

Welcome to the forums, lets hope you get over it because people here do not hold grudges and you will be welcomed as soon as you can take it as well as dish it out.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 12 November 2002, 23:48
Originally posted by RudeCat8.0:
VOID: I don't think anyone here has paid for windows since '95...LOL!!!

Not even Zombie9920....LOL!!!

*meow !---I want chicken, I want liver...

[ November 10, 2002: Message edited by: Black & White Cat ]

I'm not even going to get into this argument with you again. It is pointless.

Originally posted by doublefresh
Holy Sh1T,
I tell you I agree with most of what you say but then I myself get bashed by you for not agreeing that computer users should not play games!

Blow me sideways! Your attitude is why Unix/Linux will never be anything more than a toy for computer Geeks. Your average user does not have the time or patience to learn anything more than click and point. XP is the easiest thing to install on the planet and it makes networking pretty friggin easy as well. I know most of you enjoy feeling elite and pompus being able to install red hat or free bsd on your P166 and coding your own "when to wipe your a$$" schedule but the other 99% of the population just wants something easy to use.

I came here agreeing with everything you had to say other than your attitude towards gamers but I leave thinking you are all just a bunch of assholes!

Most of the people in the Linux community do have piss poor attitudes. Thier minds are so dilluted by Open Source software that they actually think they are better than anyone who doesn't use the Open Source copycat, wannabe knockoff of propriarity software crap. As I've already said in the past...anyone who judges a person by the software they use is truly a geeky nerd. ;P

Originally posted by fett101 [QB]
All the gamers I know use thier machines for a variety of things. Watching Music and Videos, browsing the internet, typing up work. CD Burning. Communication. What do you do on your box?

And thus, MS rules the majority of PCs.

Quite a statement for such a broad group of people. [QB]

1. I use my computer for productivity(work), communication, for downloading music&burning music CD's, to download movies&Music videos to watch and burn to VCD's and I use it for entertainment(gaming). Personally I feel that it is quite stupid to have a computer only for work nowadays considering the technology our computers have is able to do everything. Even the hardest working man on the planet has to take a break from work sometimes. Playing games is a is a great way to free your mind from the stress of work. Given, playing games is a lesiure, not a nessecity...however it is nice to know that your system *CAN* play any game that is out on the market. When it comes to work, Linux doesn't even have most of the popular commonly used business apps(Linux has cheap, knockoffs/rip-offs of popular apps). Calling Linux the ultimate productivity solution is definatley lie. The truth behind Linux is it immitates, it doesn't innovate.

2.That is obvious. I seriously doubt that Linux will ever gain 1/10 of the software market dominance that MS has because of it's shortcomings(it's ugliness, difficulty to use, it's lack of real apps(not knock-offs) and the buggy nature of Open Source software). You know that there are always new versions of the Linux kernel being released because the last kernel had so many bugs and flaws. The bad thing about that is, most drivers and alot of pre-compiled software in an RPM package(RPM = Linux knock off of a Windows Installer) are made for a certain version of the Linux kernel. Keeping up with all of the kernel updates and the stuff that will run on the new kernel can be a pain in the ass. With Windows you can use virtually any Win32 app with any version of Windows. When it comes to drivers, a Win9x driver will work with Windows 95, 98, 98SE, WinME...a Win2K driver will work with XP and in most cases an XP driver will work with Win2K and a Win2K/XP driver will more than likely work with Longhorn. You don't have to hunt for stuff that is made for a certain kernel version number when you use Windows. Linux is really for the geeks who have nothing better to do than sit in front of a damn monitor all day.

3. Linux users tend to feel that anybody who doesn't use what they want people to use is inferior. They should learn that the world does not revolve around them and what they want. Most people(me included) don't give a shit what other people use. If a person wants to use Linux..fine..more power to them. You don't see Windows users sitting around on a forum all day telling people not to use Linux. Linux users on the other hand devote thier lives to telling people not to use Windows. That there should be enough to show that the Linux community consists mainly of geeks who have no real life, no real friends, no girlfriend(s). There is one good thing about the geeks though, they make for great entertainment.    ;)  

Anyways, I think I've already spent too much time typing up this reply. I need to get outta here cause I have some things to go do. LoL

[ November 12, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 00:57
Oh where to start. I'm not even going to get into any details. Talking to Zombie is a waste of breath. Every single point he tried to make is false. Things like RPM being a knockoff of a Winodows installer is laughable. RPM is 10000% more functional than a Windows installer, there is no resemblance. Try recompiling Word with the Windows installer.

You are right about taking a break from work though. But when I do it, I actually do it, that is I get away from the computer, I don't play computer games. I go outside and have fun with things like flying airplanes and riding dirt bikes. Maybe Zombie should get out more often.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Fett101 on 13 November 2002, 02:12
Originally posted by void main:
[QB] Every single point he tried to make is false.[QB]

Quite amazing that that opinions can be proved false.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 02:52
Originally posted by fett101:

Quite amazing that that opinions can be proved false.

Maybe the day God was passing out brains you thought he said "rain" and hid inside?
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: emh on 13 November 2002, 03:44
I am curious, Zombie.  Why is it that you refer to open source software as merely knock offs or inferior?  How much of it have you actually used before, and for how long before deciding that it doesn't meet your needs?  Why do you consider open source software to not be "real" software?

This isn't meant as a flame, I'm truly curious why you think this way.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Fett101 on 13 November 2002, 04:06
Originally posted by void main:

Maybe the day God was passing out brains you thought he said "rain" and hid inside?

Oh yes. That convinces me that you are 100% right. How could I have ever doubted Linux.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 04:20
Originally posted by fett101:

Oh yes. That convinces me that you are 100% right. How could I have ever doubted Linux.

Good question, how?
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: RudeCat7 on 13 November 2002, 05:29
I agree with Void, it would be waste of time responding to Zombie. He is just simply too ignorant, and self-important to debate intelligently. Oh, did I forget to mention he is a hypocrite? He keeps denying his warez usage. Plus, he blatantly puts down the geek lifestyle, yet he has logged over 3000 posts at and that does not include the posts here and elsewhere. I dare him to put up or shut up! Use Linux for 9 years and then he can say that Linux sucks. I've used your precious M$ OS for that long, and I think I have more right to say regarding what sucks than you do!! Mr.DoomAss!!!

Typical Zombie whine:

"I've tried Linux, and I don't like it, it sucks!"

Boo Hoo! Whaaaa! Whaaaa!
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 13 November 2002, 21:47
Originally posted by void main:
Oh where to start. I'm not even going to get into any details. Talking to Zombie is a waste of breath. Every single point he tried to make is false. Things like RPM being a knockoff of a Winodows installer is laughable. RPM is 10000% more functional than a Windows installer, there is no resemblance. Try recompiling Word with the Windows installer.

You are right about taking a break from work though. But when I do it, I actually do it, that is I get away from the computer, I don't play computer games. I go outside and have fun with things like flying airplanes and riding dirt bikes. Maybe Zombie should get out more often.

You stupid fuck. If you are up at 3 in the morning working you are not going to go outside and fly an airplane for a break. You see, when people like me do work with thier computer they do it late at night because during the day there are more important things to take care of like going to work(the workplace..not working in Office, Photoshop, etc.), hang out with friends and have a few drinks after work, go satisy the g/f and other stuff a normal person would do during the day.

BTW, going out and flying an airplane is not my idea of something constructive to do on a daily basis(flying an airplane is something good to do occasionally with your kid and woman). If I want good recreational time I would rather take my g/f(and a few friends) camping, fishing or hunting before I would go out and fly a stupid plane with them.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 13 November 2002, 21:54
Originally posted by Black & White Cat:
I agree with Void, it would be waste of time responding to Zombie. He is just simply too ignorant, and self-important to debate intelligently. Oh, did I forget to mention he is a hypocrite? He keeps denying his warez usage. Plus, he blatantly puts down the geek lifestyle, yet he has logged over 3000 posts at and that does not include the posts here and elsewhere. I dare him to put up or shut up! Use Linux for 9 years and then he can say that Linux sucks. I've used your precious M$ OS for that long, and I think I have more right to say regarding what sucks than you do!! Mr.DoomAss!!!

Typical Zombie whine:

"I've tried Linux, and I don't like it, it sucks!"

Boo Hoo! Whaaaa! Whaaaa!

Umm, I logged a little over 3000 posts at PHF in a couple of years. Some people around here posted 3000 posts in a course of a couple months. There is a big difference there buddy.   :rolleyes:  

Now tell me. Why in gods name would I want to use Linux for 9 years considering I can't even stand to use the piece of shit for 9 days? Linux is good for server use...where you can set it up, put the system in a closet or down in the basement(where you don't have to see the ugly piece of crap) and leave it running 24/7.

Typical Black&White(Rude) Cat whine,

MS is the single most dominating force in the computer industry so I hate them. I hate Bill Gates because he is richer&smarter than me. I like to accuse people of stuff like software piracy even though the guy I'm accusing is not a software pirate. It just makes me feel good inside to make myself believe the shit I say.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 21:54
Well I got tired of taking your girlfriend out so I got into airplanes. And I'm a stupid ass, not a stupid fuck!
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 21:56
Windows XP Roadmap (
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 13 November 2002, 21:57
Originally posted by void main:
Well I got tired of taking your girlfriend out so I got into airplanes. And I'm a stupid ass, not a stupid fuck!

My G/F wouldn't touch you. Your wrinkly balls and ass would be enough to give her nightmares for a few years.

(EDIT)The site of you period would probably scare her to death.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 21:58
How do you think they got so wrinkly? By wearing out your girlfriend. And it's not the sight, it's the girth that gave her the nightmares.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 13 November 2002, 10:02
Originally posted by void main:
How do you think they got so wrinkly? By wearing out your girlfriend.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Quite frankly, I can't even picture a beautiful young woman with an old, fat, dorky looking guy who wears a fucking propeller hat.

You my friend probably haven't had a piece of a 20 year old woman for like 25+ years. ;P
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 13 November 2002, 10:04
Originally posted by void main:
How do you think they got so wrinkly? By wearing out your girlfriend. And it's not the sight, it's the girth that gave her the nightmares.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

YEah, the size of your belly. Your stomach easily overlaps and hides that shriveled up 1 inch cock.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 10:06
Heh heh... Damn you got me pegged pretty good. I would probably have a heart attack. That's why I got into airplanes and dirt bikes. And don't tell anyone where that picture of me is in the other forum wearing the propeller hat. But don't worry, you'll be in my shoes sooner than you think. 25 years ago seems like yesterday.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 13 November 2002, 10:14
Originally posted by void main:
Heh heh... Damn you got me pegged pretty good. I would probably have a heart attack. That's why I got into airplanes and dirt bikes. And don't tell anyone where that picture of me is in the other forum wearing the propeller hat. But don't worry, you'll be in my shoes sooner than you think. 25 years ago seems like yesterday.

You know. I can relate to that. The older I get the faster time seems to go by. When I was a teenager it felt like forever to make it to the age of 18. The wait from 18 to 21 seemed to take forever also. Since turning 21 the time is flying now(probably because I have no more rights to gain to be excited about). The year after turning 21(I'm 22 now) seemed like last week. Before I turned 21 a year felt like 3 years.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 10:28
And it only gets worse the older you get. For me it's up to 10 years for every 1 when I was 15.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: The Auditor on 13 November 2002, 11:12
ok.. my 2 cents.
Linux was not designed to run games, this however, does not mean it CANT run games.
Windows is a WYSIWYG POS for those who cannot handle anything that requires thinking.

Windows advertises ease of use, however, once you want to ues something or change what it does, you'll find out how hard it really is.

Just my opinion.
Trying to get back onto an intelligent topic
The Auditor

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: The Auditor ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Kintaro on 13 November 2002, 13:18
The gamers are often warez kiddys not lamers, but at least there not paying for Windows.

My advice to gamers that want windows is Make Sacrafices

Read this for a good reason M$ should be stopped! (
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Doctor V on 13 November 2002, 13:39
Originally posted by fett101:

Quite amazing that that opinions can be proved false.

Opinions can be false!  As an example: Hitler's opinion that the Germans were the master race and that the Jews should be wiped out was F*A*L*S*E!

No point in argueing with Zombie, he is famed for dodging the questions he can't answer, not backing up what he says, and refusing to accept points that are verifiable.

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Kintaro on 13 November 2002, 14:07
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

You stupid fuck. If you are up at 3 in the morning working you are not going to go outside and fly an airplane for a break. You see, when people like me do work with thier computer they do it late at night because during the day there are more important things to take care of like going to work(the workplace..not working in Office, Photoshop, etc.), hang out with friends and have a few drinks after work, go satisy the g/f and other stuff a normal person would do during the day.

BTW, going out and flying an airplane is not my idea of something constructive to do on a daily basis(flying an airplane is something good to do occasionally with your kid and woman). If I want good recreational time I would rather take my g/f(and a few friends) camping, fishing or hunting before I would go out and fly a stupid plane with them.

[ November 13, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Yea i prefer to use the computer late, but i have school and need my sleeep. But im an all-weekend no sleep.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Calum on 13 November 2002, 15:19
zombie claims that linux users all have bad attitudes and are closed minded, but read some of his posts for the reality of his accusations. honestly, read zombie90210's posts to get a true idea of how openminded and reasonable he is. i will say nothing more here about him.

Re: linux vs windows. windows is a fucking hack. nobody knows how DOS works properly (including microsoft) because some of the code was lifted from CP/M, and has never been properly figured out. In turn, windows was a program for DOS for about 10 years (and in many cases still is), DOS originally ran on 8 bit hardware and any additional performance on 16 or 32 bit hardware is a quick and dirty hack. It is all a hack. i'll say that again: WINDOWS IS ONE BIG FILTHY HACK!

Linux is much cleaner as it is continually scrutinised and revised. The price is that some backward compatibility is lost, but most of the programs are open source, or are maintained by somebody who has the source code so this is no big deal. Your favourite old software is available for newer linux versions, and is also still being improved upon.

As for windows being a specialised WYSIWYG system and linux not handling games: PSHAW! windows is a hack on DOS, which is a hack on CP/M. Try telling me that's graphical. linux by contrast is, as i say, continuously revised and updated. It is almost 10 years younger than windows for a start so it is not nearly as fucking hairy.

Anyway. enough rambling, back to the flames:
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: lazygamer on 13 November 2002, 17:51
Wordup to doublefresh!

First off, the vast majority of gamers are Adults! That is a myth that most gamers are kids.

Second off, games cost massive money? Oh really? What about this "piracy" problem the ISDA/SPA is always crying and fudging figures about.  ;)

MS is only dominant in the gaming field because of the seeds planted in the past. If only they had not one the computer wars of the late 80's/early 90's. Imagine if Commodore and others were here to tell MS where to go? MS would probably have died or adapted and not been such a bad company with such a bad OS.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: RudeCat7 on 13 November 2002, 17:57
No point in argueing with Zombie, he is famed for dodging the questions he can't answer, not backing up what he says, and refusing to accept points that are verifiable.

Exactly!!!  :rolleyes:
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Fett101 on 13 November 2002, 20:47
Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:
Opinions can be false!  As an example: Hitler's opinion that the Germans were the master race and that the Jews should be wiped out was F*A*L*S*E!

Oh yes. Let's bring out the good ole Third Reich analogies. That was not an opinion, that was a false fact. Opinions have no way of being proven. Facts can be.
n 1: a personal belief that is not founded on proof or certainty;
n 1:Knowledge or information based on real occurrences
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Calum on 13 November 2002, 22:14
Originally posted by fett101:

Oh yes. Let's bring out the good ole Third Reich analogies. That was not an opinion, that was a false fact. Opinions have no way of being proven. Facts can be.
n 1: a personal belief that is not founded on proof or certainty;
n 1:Knowledge or information based on real occurrences

well in that case, most of what zombie90210 says are just wrong 'facts'. By this definition, hardly any of the bullshit things that zombie claims cannot be proved or demonstrated to be incorrect.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 13 November 2002, 23:32
Opinion: fett101 is Zombie's butt slave.
Fact: fett101 has had no valuable input on this site to date.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: slave on 14 November 2002, 02:07
butt slave... haw haw!
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Doctor V on 14 November 2002, 05:11
Originally posted by fett101:

Oh yes. Let's bring out the good ole Third Reich analogies. That was not an opinion, that was a false fact. Opinions have no way of being proven. Facts can be.
n 1: a personal belief that is not founded on proof or certainty;
n 1:Knowledge or information based on real occurrences

OK buddy,

In my opinion, opinions can be false.

And you can't disagree with the notion that opinions can be false because opinions can't be false so my opinion that opinions can be false has to be true because opinions can't be false but it has to be false because opinions can't be false but it can't be false because opinions can't be false so its true but it can't be but it ...


Fact: fett101 has had no valuable input on this site to date.

This is very true.  WindowsXP user occasionally says intelligent things, and while zombie90210 only very rarely does, at least he's saying somthing.  I mean at least he tries to backup what he says.  Fett101 is just plain annoying and has yet to say anthing intelligent at all.  If there were some kind of ignore list here, he and only he would be on mine.

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 14 November 2002, 05:31
Originally posted by void main:
Opinion: fett101 is Zombie's butt slave.
Fact: fett101 has had no valuable input on this site to date.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I don't dig guys. I dig petite women. You on the other hand..I don't know. Personally, I think that you suck on Calums cock every chance you get. I also bet that your wife is some big, fat monsterous looking beast.   :eek:
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 14 November 2002, 05:36
How did you know? Again, why do you think I like to get out of the house? Again, you'll be in my shoes sooner than you think.  (http://smile.gif)
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Zombie9920 on 14 November 2002, 05:38
Originally posted by void main:
How did you know? Again, why do you think I like to get out of the house? Again, you'll be in my shoes sooner than you think.   (http://smile.gif)  

Actually, I take it back. I don't have anything against your gal so I have no reason to insult her. I should keep the insults directed at you. So are you admitting that you suck on Calums cock every chance that you get?
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 14 November 2002, 05:46
Every day. But remember, cock in brit speak means cigar in US speak. Or was that fag and cigarette? I'm so confused!
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: The Auditor on 14 November 2002, 08:16
no, your right void  :D
so Zombies cock sucking means in US English (Haw haw M$)
that his girlfriend has very little similarity to a female.. and more to a sheep?

Or was that kiwis?
Shit, i'm lost too..

The Auditor
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: emh on 14 November 2002, 08:17
Zombie, you haven't answered my questions yet.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Doctor V on 14 November 2002, 21:25
Originally posted by emh:
Zombie, you haven't answered my questions yet.

Get used to it.  I have a long list of questions asked to him that are yet unanswered.  Lotsa people here do.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: The Auditor on 14 November 2002, 21:41
ive yet to see an intelligent sentance from him, let alone a answer.

Ive only been here 2/3 days!

The Auditor
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Calum on 14 November 2002, 14:44
fett101 hasn't really posted anything of immense value, but neither do i really! lots of people don't.

Zombie90210 however deliberately turns perfectly good threads into the same old mudslinging contest that many of us have had with him a hundred times before.

And void main buys my cigars via mail order, for your information zombie, they're rolled on the thighs of authentic cuban women...
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Fett101 on 14 November 2002, 20:02
Originally posted by void main:
Opinion: fett101 is Zombie's butt slave.
Fact: fett101 has had no valuable input on this site to date.

A gay joke. Funny.

And there's not a huge amount of valuable information here to begin with.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Calum on 14 November 2002, 20:35
oooooooooh! handbags at dawn, hmm?

if you think this site is devoid of info or useful information, (and you are sorely wrong) ( then why don't you clear off?

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: [calum@localhost]$ ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Fett101 on 15 November 2002, 01:50
I'm having too much fun here to leave.   :D

[ November 14, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]

Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: The Auditor on 15 November 2002, 05:27
/me knows who makes threads into mudslinging contests.. L'sOL at them.

im Hungry... I want pizza.
This thread is funny.
Ive not slept in a week, excuse the insanity.

The Auditor
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: doublefresh on 16 November 2002, 03:37
LOL, this is some funny shit!

Tell me why I can't run Quake III on Mandrake 8.0

The install went fine but when i go to play it just does nothing. I click on the Icon and nothing.

At least Microsoft would give me an error message.

Bah You sah. Microsoft sucks Ass. My question to you is "if Microsofts spyware is so good how come they have not called me and asked me to pay for all the software I have borrowed from them over the last 6 years?"

Also I'm not a young kid. I'm an old one. 32 years to be exact. I don't have the time for games that I did 2 years ago but I still play every now and then and it's nice to have an OS that they will run on :)
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: voidmain on 16 November 2002, 05:10
I can't tell you why it doesn't work for you. I know it works for me. Did you try running it from the command line where you will be able to see any error messages produced?
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: emh on 16 November 2002, 06:19
You might also right-click on the icon, select "properties", and make sure there are no typos or anything like that in the execute command.  I installed Trillian under wine once and was baffled as to why it wouldn't work.  I checked the properties of the Trillian icon and I found that there were typos in the command line function.  I simply fixed the typos and the next time I clicked on the icon, it ran just fine.
Title: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Kintaro on 16 November 2002, 16:39
I recently got als messenger works very well!
Title: Re: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: mullinsd on 4 April 2005, 07:17
i just started messing with linux about 4 weeks ago and i love it but i dont want to switch to linux becasue of all my games but im not sure if ur aware yet that there is hope. there is a program now called candence i think its called that or something similar that allows you to play all windows games on linux boxes the only thing is right now it will cost $5 a month for it.
Title: Re: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Orethrius on 4 April 2005, 08:07
Voted "Not Enough Calum."

Besides, you could probably get better gaming coverage by Cedega ( ( or the developmental variant WineX ( (  

Good luck in your endeavours.  :cool:
Title: Re: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Annorax on 7 April 2005, 23:19
Voted "Too Much Necro".

$5 a month? Smells like bullshit to me.
Title: Re: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: WMD on 12 April 2005, 01:49
Someone kill this thread.  It's just a bunch of flaming.
Title: Re: MS Gamer Bashing
Post by: Jenda on 15 April 2005, 00:42
Yo! Linux Community! Treat the others nice! The more Linux users there are, the more development there's gonna be! And they won't join us if they hate us, and they will hate us if we tell'em to piss off, won't they?

Not until recently was GNU/Linux accessible to mortals like me, and most of us haven't yet got used to the fact. As soon as they try, they'll find out which OS rulez. It does usually take getting really pissed with M$, though. I was, when I switched.

And incidentally, I am in favor of playing games on PCs rather than consoles, though I do not really support the gaming community/industry. But then again, if they want to play, they can play. And many people don't want to switch to Linux because they want to play games. And until recently, that was one of the reasons why I still kept Windows 98 (never payed for it, don't worry) on my drive. Soon gonna get rid of the useless shite.