Just because it's a law doesn't make it right
it's not a law, dude. it's one of the cornerstones of our nation. it's one of the ORIGINAL FREEDOMS promised in the Bill of Rights, which is part of The Constitution of the United States of America.
Perhaps you might want to read it?
http://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/constitution.billofrights.htmlAmendment II
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, [bold]the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.[/bold]
The amendment exists for several reasons...
1) To protect the people from the government. YES. YOU HEARD RIGHT... TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE FROM THE GOVERNMENT. The People of the United States hold the power, but they've let it lapse. It's no longer from the people to the leaders, but it has now become from the leaders to the people.
2) To protect the nation. Not everybody is in the military service. Those who are not can still fight if the battle comes to their homes, into their town, their city. If the United States were invaded, however improbable, if enemy troops set foot on our soil, there would be ordinary citizens dropping the fuckers as quickly as the US Military would be.
3) To protect the citizens from each other. Crime is a problem, there's no getting around it. We should have the right to defend ourselves against it. If someone breaks into your home, your place of living, where you, and your family reside, you were promised the right to dispose of him. It's only in today's immoral, shit-driven, money-powered social wasteland that a criminal or his family can take you to court. However, the instances of people winning cases like that are rare. A judge and jury will very seldom find in favor of the criminal. If someone breaks into a person's home and is killed... that is the way it should be.
Now, I've been cordial, and have given you foreigners the benefit of the doubt, but you seem pretty dead set that somehow you're more right than I am, that somehow, because I feel strongly about a matter, that I'm some kind of "fanatic"... no, I just actually believe in something.
Aww, does that douse your preconceptions of Americans as being dull, mindless people who follow everything unquestioningly? If so, GOOD. If not, then fuck off. Maybe if you knew anything about the fucking world, you'd know that we're all the goddamn fucking same. We're all humans.
But people who put down others simply because they believe in something sicken me. The mediocrity I see in these posts is appalling. I understand that where you're from is different. THAT'S NOT THE ISSUE, IS IT, BUDDY?
No. The issue exists here. I believe in something. If you don't agree with it, that's fine. You don't have to. If you feel that you believe so strongly against it, then get up off your worthless, lazy ass, come to the United States and speak your mind to the Congress.
Now shut up with your whining, because that's all it is.
"Oh no, guns kill people. Boo hoo. I live in a country where there's no guns, and I'm going to belittle you for living in a country where they are... I'm going to insult you for standing up for something you believe in. I'm a whiney, crying, mediocre nancy boy who's too pussy to believe in jack."
If you don't agree, that's fine. That's your fucking choice to make, not mine. I'm not forcing a choice on you, don't fucking force one on me. I don't flame you for being a "fucking pussy ass peacenik" now do I? I don't respect you any less because you're anti gun, or because the nation you live in has limits on firearms. It doesn't affect you as a person.
Stop acting like a bunch of fucking babies. This isn't your country, so stop worrying and whining about it.