You do realize that MacOS X, BSD, and *nix are all the same thing, right?
Mac OS X:macos: , *BSD:bsd: and *nix:tux: may all have the same executable format, and in many cases are interoperable, they can have major GUI differences and libraries, mostly Mac OS X.
The terminal mode, and maybe even the X11 mode might work on OS X. Eventually I'll port it to the Mac OS X GUI mode (whatever it's called. Cocoa, I think. Maybe Aqua. It's been a while.).
Nothing can replace Vi IMproved
Maybe for you, but I
hate modal editors. Besides, Vim isn't as portable or extendable. I won't force you to use something else, but don't make me use Vim. Besides, another choice is always good.
Should be done in 6 months, if I get help. Funny thing is, I'm writing it on Emacs. :cool:
Long Live the Revolution!