[/b]11) People Who Want to Make the Net "Kid Safe": The net is and always has been by default an adult medium. Unlike TV and radio, web pages are always "on". There is no way to set them to only come on at a certain times. Furthermore, web pages are hosted from all over the world from nations of widely different ethical, cultural, and moral viewpoints. The idea that some guy in Norway should take his porn site off the air because some person in Iowa is too lazy to pay attention to what their kids are doing on the internet is beyond obnoxious. The internet is not a baby sitter and if parents allow their children unsupervised access to the internet they are making a mistake. I emphasize..they are making a mistake, not the websites.
I've actually found 2k faster than 98.
Were they both clean installs?Win 98 does slow down more after a few months, but defragmenting and not installing any dodgy software helps combat this trend.
i dislike 2k because i downloaded 3 (three) different iso's of the original install disk and neither work correctlythey all either had corrupted files or disliked random part of my rig!that is retarded ... not havening i nice and working os install :!