Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

FreeDOS 1.0 soon :)

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They are saying FreeDOS 1.0 by the end of this month :) :) :)

Yeah, and Duke Nukem Forever is coming out next week. :p

Duke nukem jokes aside, there is a brand new prerelease on their site, and they have announced the end of July for the 1.0.  They never announced a 1.0 date before.

Duke Nukem never ever announced a release date.  I doubt they ever will.

I like Duke Nukem...

what does freeDOS 1.0 mean anyway? what difference would 1.0 be over say .096 or 0.01 for that matter? what's in a version number?

i personally would have thought that it should not be called 1.0 until they have successfully made it able to provide windows 3.11 with a complete DOS environment to run in with as few bugs as possible and no missing features.


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