I think some sort of bailout is necessary. It's not the fuckheads who ran their companies into the ground that I'm worried about - I'm sure they'll have no problem funding their own early retirements. It's the poor schmucks who invested in the first place who get fucked. Since almost all of those, especially on the high-interest mortgage side, are low-income families (who probably shouldn't have been given mortgages in the first place), they'll be broken and homeless within a few months if we just allow these companies to fail.
Sure, the market would figure itself out eventually. But it would leave a lot of dead bodies in its wake. I think the government has a responsibility to lessen the collateral damage if it can. Post the money for a bailout, but all the executives get minimum wage for 6 months. That'll teach them.
The speculative hypervaluation of properties and commodities is the real fucking problem, and I don't have any idea how to solve it. Set stock value at a percentage of the company's cash holdings, and limit speculative trading to 1 year in advance, maybe.