I know it's old topic but still valid!!! I had the same problem, and it finally worked when I removed all other eth's from /etc/rc.conf
Basically it just reads this:
Problems seem to happen on computers that have more than one network card. Do you have more than one? If yes, write down the mac address of the one you're sure you're using so you always know it's the one, and see which eth number it uses from ifconfig -a, and put that eth# in rc.conf. Don't have anything in the
INTERFACES SECTION that is commented out or preceded with a "!", if you have "lo" interface listed there, get rid of it too. See if it helps.

My network startup went down from 1 minute to under 5 seconds.
Some other people said that this might work too, but it didn't for me:
disable ARP check in /etc/conf.d/dhcpcd:
here: DHCPCD_ARGS="-t 30 -h $HOSTNAME" adding an -A like this DHCPCD_ARGS="-A -t 30 -h $HOSTNAME"