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Could the greatest desktop environment be a free one?

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I've been a gnome lover for a long time ('lover' is a bit deep, I've just stuck to it because it lets me do my work and it comes with ubuntu, and in years I've had no problems), but I've always had a huge appreciation for both the gnome and kde desktop environments and I think anyone who says their copresence in the GNU/Linux world is degenerative just doesn't get it.

Anyhow. KDE 4.4 was released recently - I still havent used it (it is a lot of effort to try; I pretty much consider switching DE almost equivalent to switching OS (and I would install kubuntu even if I dont need to), but it looks like it's time to do this)

http://kde.org/announcements/4.4/ They're polishing up (KDE 4 needed it the last time I was using it) while innovating away. Seems like a serious desktop to me. They also now have a netbook edition which seems particularly impressive. (since I use an eee pc I will probably use this)

OS X has been the DE to beat* and maybe KDE has upped the ante? Startin to look like it.

* hugely subjective; but in any case OS X has an advanced (from a technical point of view but Im not sure about this from a power user pointof view) and polished interface, gnome has a simple interface that does its job good, and kde has a powerful and sexy interface that is coming together

KDE has looked better than gnome for a long time now.  For now, I just can't imagine anything being as awesome as OSX.  I guess I'd have to use it for a week or so to know for sure.  And that isn't likely to be happening anytime soon.

KDE also hogs more resources which is bad for people with older computers.

I'm an XFCE fan myself.

Lead Head:
Last time I used KDE it was indeed very bloated and quite a hog. I hope the 4.x versions are bucking that trend a bit.

I know ram is cheap is these days but as far as KDE 4's resource usage goes, its on par with vista. 560mb idle? I only have 1gb of ram.  :(

I do like KDE4 looks though and it runs very smooth.

Right now I'm using a very modded gnome, but looking into Openbox or XFCE. Looks are still important to me though.


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