Author Topic: Cant get itunes without losing quicktime?  (Read 3967 times)


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Cant get itunes without losing quicktime?
« on: 21 January 2011, 14:11 »
If someone hasd quicktime 6.x pro they can't upgrade to 7 without buying 7 pro...

Fair enough see it all the time, get the new version, pay for it!

but it tells me I can't get even the free QT 7 without losing pro...

And everything EVERYTHING is bundled with the latest quicktime to make sure I'm up to date...

Such as itunes, I can't get itunes without losing QT pro 6, as it forces me to get 7...


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Re: Cant get itunes without losing quicktime?
« Reply #1 on: 21 January 2011, 14:12 »
What do you use QuickTime Pro for?


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Re: Cant get itunes without losing quicktime?
« Reply #2 on: 22 January 2011, 14:32 »
Don't really know how it works in Windows land, but in OS X Quicktime 7 was replaced by Quicktime X.  X dropped a lot of antiquated codecs and introduced a streamlined interface.

7 remains an optional download that it stuffs in your Utilities folder upon install.  Upgrading it to Pro just means typing in your serial number like you would ordinary.

QT Pro is actually a great program for quick edits and exports.  Sort of see it as an Audacity of video.