Author Topic: howdy  (Read 3287 times)


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« on: 14 September 2023, 23:37 »
I have recently thought about MES and glad to see the site still in existence. Although forums are unfortunately pretty dead these days, who is still around from back in the day? This was my very first internet forum ever  :D


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Re: howdy
« Reply #1 on: 3 October 2023, 03:29 »
Yeah, all the same. I made a thread because I think we should regroup and change our message. Microsoft are still a serious concern, but there is a lot of soyware out there.

Ultimately, like the original message of this community is that there are a lot of software companies without any respect for their users.

And in many ways over the last decade Microsoft are being shockingly nice.

Facebook come to mind as a much larger evil than Microsoft could ever dream of being.,12832.0.html