Author Topic: Maya Personal Edition available for free  (Read 2919 times)


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« on: 19 October 2003, 01:57 »
Maya Personal Learning Edition is a special version of Maya


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #1 on: 19 October 2003, 02:31 »
the asslickers require you fucking give them your mailing address and phone number. they can suck my nuts

then on top of that they "require" a G4

I hate them. if it's free, it should support low-end hardware too. I can't believe I actually wasted my time registering. I won't use it now because I hate those worthless shitsuckers. I sold my G4, and I'm not going to waste a half-GB on this turd.

what the fuck would stop it from running on a G3? I'm probably gonna try to hack it to run if it whines. I hate fools who come out with stupid reqs. I hope they get stabbed by some jack the ripper wannabe.

hey, someone d/l this thing and help me hack it to run on G3, because I imagine in the end, the only thing stopping it is their moronic installer. maybe I should just steal Maya Bloatware Edition and give it to everybody I know.

bloated "pro" software chaps my ass

oh yeah, let's not forget that now that I've registered for this, they now have to MAIL the CD key. ALONG WITH A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT. they better fucking send it on CD to make up for all the goddamn shitmail I'm gonna get now. I HOPE THE FUCKERS ROT IN HELL FOR MAKING SHIT THAT SUCKS

their software and registration chaps my ass too

alias can suck my nuts. I haven't had a good nut sucking in so long. then maybe I'll bust their asses and ruin their sorry shit. gods damn it, those dudes who make "high end" software are motherfuckers.

[ October 18, 2003: Message edited by: Darth Jimmy James ]

Go the fuck ~


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #2 on: 19 October 2003, 04:19 »
The Liux Version isn't even free, so Quit your wining.


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #3 on: 19 October 2003, 05:41 »
wow man... I'm not surprised. these dicklicks would probably charge you money to open your own door!
Go the fuck ~


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #4 on: 19 October 2003, 23:34 »
it does install and run fine on G3.

I don't have the time to learn how to use such a turd though. I've seen particle modeling simulators that are easier to use.

Go the fuck ~


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #5 on: 22 October 2003, 07:16 »
i don;t think maya is too bad (i know it's a bitch to use and i wouldn;t use it even if u paid me) but i know people who like it a lot and get things done on it.
Ballmer needs a firm kick in the ass.... (since he has no balls)


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #6 on: 22 October 2003, 08:23 »
ya. but they need to make it easier to use.

if it were as straightforward as JED, then nobody would ever have a problem
Go the fuck ~


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Maya Personal Edition available for free
« Reply #7 on: 2 November 2003, 07:51 »
I still use 3dmax studio 4 and i learn something new on it every time...the only thing that pisses me off about it is the whole mozilla licensing...Never tried maya. heard about it, sounds interesting but i have a complex enough one as is.
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