I have no use for the XBOX or for any other piece of high tech machinery since I have no brain to speak of and would have incredible difficulty even turning the XBOX on, let alone actually using it. I'm currently dictating this, as my attendant types it into the computer for me; I loved the ATARI 5200 and the graphics and gameplay were just great; the high-res graphics of the ATARI completely blow away the XBOX. Plus, I could almost understand how the games were to be played! It wasn't as intuitive as PONG mind you. Consoles in gereral these days contain shallow games without much depth; Pencil and paper games are usually of a lot better quality. Also, I'm addicted to heroine, something consoles have never been able to match in my opinion.
Of all three consoles out right now, however, I'd have to say the XBOX is the best one to get, because if I don't, my employer, Steve Ballmer, who I love, will shoot me through the head with that 12 gauge he is so eagerly loading right now. He might do it anyway, judging from that hideous leer, and the mad glint in his eye. I personally don't see why people are so fanatical about the PS2; the times I've tried to find the 'on' switch I was pretty bored, and those obnoxious guys-who-laugh-at-you-for-not-knowing-which-way-to-hold-the-controller are so freaking pathetic it makes me want to run away and cry; thank you but I'll stick to buttfucking and heroin for my own perverted needs.