Today people are paying Microsoft Office license upgrades north of $300 and $500
Better TCO (total cost of ownership) my ass!
Openoffice is free, even if you could waste a week of work time seting up Openoffice (it only takes about three minutes) you would still spend less money on a pay check than an MS office upgrade.....UPGRADE!
and MS is always saying how the new feature of XML
will change the world because of integration with a database. Open office does and always has saved all formats to XML by default!
the one good thing is that as long as crossover dosen't get sued you can always run office on linux.
Kinda funny when Liux first came out MS said hmm thats neet, then it got a bigger and stole most of MS's server market and MS said FUD FUD it's too hard it's crap, TCO is too high, retrainig Blah Blah Blah. Now that Linux is set to fight the desktop war on MS's home turff and win, Bill, Ballmer, and the rest of them are screaming there lungs out with their hands of their crotch so no one can see they've pissed themselves.