I'm a pretty big skeptic when it comes to rumors about Apple, but this one is starting to grow on me considering some stuff I've read about it.
Several interesting things to note:
* Apple has ordered a much larger than usual number of flat-panel displays recently.
* Steve Jobs moved his keynote address to a day earlier than usual; this is of note because it hasn't ever happened before, I guess.
* Apparently, an Apple rep leaked that flat-panel iMacs would be released at January's MacWorld Expo. I have yet to substantiate this news, but it is certainly significant. (And if it is true, that's one now jobless sucker; Apple takes NDA breaches extremely seriously.)
With the amount of speculation about a flat-panel iMac, Apple would have to be fools to not make it happen. Otherwise, before every Expo they'd be dealing with rumors about it, which in turn would hurt sales. Now it's a matter of trying to peek into the brains of their engineers to figure out what it's going to look like. (-;