Operating Systems > Not Quite Mainstream OSes

Another ASM written OS

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quote:Originally posted by Hawkuletz:
One person said around here that a 'decent' (I wonder, what would decent mean to him?) loader would took several months to accomplish.
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And he was correct. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. A bunch of hacks is not a boot loader in my book.

[ April 21, 2003: Message edited by: TheQuirk ]

I program in C and knoe some 68k ASM. Never touched the stuff after Apple swithced to PPC. Just never suited my needs, especially since the grafix blitter I use is already written in pure ASM and very well optimized to PPC code.

I don't program on x86's. Dabled in it a bit, but couldent get far cuz I left my PC at home while at school. I was laughing at the name, Shit Out of Luck is often abreviated as SOL. And while I am sure it is fast and compact, the same ASM restrictions aply, it will only run on x86 unless a compleat re-write for other platforms is done, which is at best impractical if not impossible. So no, it isn't portable, and programs written for the OS would also be hard to port.

Also, I didn't read far enugh, but what chipset does the OS run on? Because if those ever change I supose you will be... oh go... SOL  :D  HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!!!

sorry, had to say it.

Nah, no hard feelings, I just thought it was a funny name.

The Muffin Man said:
quote: if we could get games on that thing...it would be awesome
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He he... in the end there will be Hostile Encounter, at least. Perhaps some 3d as well..  
TheQuirk also stated that:
quote: A bunch of hacks is not a boot loader in my book
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Than what's the definition of a boot loader in that book of yours? Remember how LILO started?
I've seen many new OS projects... most of them using some already made boot loader from the start. I mean.. "I wanna make a new OS so I'm gonna copy a bit from there and another one from here and ready I am. Like the GRUB boot-loader, and portions of the Linux kernel and so on." If you really want to make something then go ahead and create! Everything starts as a  
quote: bunch of hacks
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but then might evolve.
Oh, and I almost forgot: No, I can't see that you're the most furious man in Taiwan...  :rolleyes:
Last but not least, psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax
quote: it will only run on x86 unless a compleat re-write for other platforms is done
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Hmm.... Does MacOSX run on anything BUT Macs? And anyways, since we only had x86s lying around... who cares? We don't aim at conquering the world with this OS. (like that other guy here    )
The purpose of this project is for us to get a better understanding of how things really work. Most programming languages are designed to hide the true and harsh realities of computing from even the programmer, let alone the poor luser. So... what really lies inside?
And besides while we are all saying that Microsoft is bad, that windoze sucks (if it at least would do that right!) and so on, how many of us really tried to do an OS themselves and then talk about others?
I personally like linux (and BSD, somehow) more than Windows, but I am very upset that even there the same thing happens. Imagine many people are writing in INTERPRETORS (see PHP and PERL) and they are complaining about the slow speed of the programs and so on. Why do we have gigahertz processors? To stop optimizing our software, or even more, fill our computers with bloatware. Just think about KDE. How many magabytes of RAM does it require to work properly in, say, SuSE 8.0?
Well... I got me started and I know some of my points come in total disagree with your way of thinking...


quote:Originally posted by Hawkuletz:
The Muffin Man said:
Hmm.... Does MacOSX run on anything BUT Macs? And anyways, since we only had x86s lying around... who cares? We don't aim at conquering the world with this OS. (like that other guy here     )
The purpose of this project is for us to get a better understanding of how things really work. Most programming languages are designed to hide the true and harsh realities of computing from even the programmer, let alone the poor luser. So... what really lies inside?
And besides while we are all saying that Microsoft is bad, that windoze sucks (if it at least would do that right!) and so on, how many of us really tried to do an OS themselves and then talk about others?
I personally like linux (and BSD, somehow) more than Windows, but I am very upset that even there the same thing happens. Imagine many people are writing in INTERPRETORS (see PHP and PERL) and they are complaining about the slow speed of the programs and so on. Why do we have gigahertz processors? To stop optimizing our software, or even more, fill our computers with bloatware. Just think about KDE. How many magabytes of RAM does it require to work properly in, say, SuSE 8.0?
Well... I got me started and I know some of my points come in total disagree with your way of thinking...
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Oh I agree totally, I hate the way modern software is so bloated and sloppy. If more companies, invested time to code vital components in ASM, everything would be smaller, faster, and more efficient. I hate the attitude taken by many developers that the hardware will pick up the slack.

I was not knocking the OS, it may be very cool, I dunno. I was simply saying that an OS compleatly written in ASM is very impractical from a mass market stand-point. It's a great hobby project to learn advanced computer programmin and such, but not as an OS for widespread use.

Is PERL only interpreted? I think there is indeed a compiler for it.... maybe not.

Just one more thing, please:
An open source operating system, being written in asm does not stop one from writing a (say) C/C++/other compiler for it (should one need sucha thing). I personally program in win32 asm, meaning I write windows programs in ASM. I find it easier than using their vc++ or anything like it. Most of this b/c of the assembler and the possibility to call system APIs or functions, I agree that in the early days ASM programming when one was expected to know all the register parameters of the interrupt services (since all BIOS and OS functions were called that way) was a lot harder. But things have evolved since, and ASM is just a bridge between HLLs and the REAL MACHINE  :D  
Anyways, there are people who would love having transparent windows, buttons and menus in a program just under 100kb of SIZE (loader included    ) and make an embeded application on it or perhaps write more software for it until it will eventually grow into a complete OS  ;)


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