Author Topic: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?  (Read 4537 times)


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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #15 on: 21 July 2005, 08:55 »
Quote from: skyman8081
Can you please speak coherent English.  I have no fucking clue what you just wrote.

Does Mr.X ever speak coherent English?
Quote from: ""
<3M> ok guys i've finally got my windows me machine up and running again :D
if everything seems to be running well on windows me you've obviously overlooked something....
<3M> who is general failure and why is he reading my hard disc :(
somehow, "i told you so" doesn't quite say it ;)


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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #16 on: 21 July 2005, 09:07 »
he was talking to me..........  :thumbdwn:  :beos:
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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #17 on: 21 July 2005, 15:48 »
Nintendo says the gamecube can push 12.5 Million Polygons per sec, The xbox and PS2 say thay can push about 60Million polygons s sedoned, but what they dont mention is that this is with No FSAA, 1 texture, low dedtail, basicly everything set to as low as it can go, while they gamecube's polygon a seconed measurement is with everything turned upto max , mutiple texture, 4xFSAA, everything on high, but when everything is turned up on the xbox and PS2 that number drops, alot to about 12-14 million Polygons a sec showing that the gamecube is weak. Well atleast when it first came out it didn't freeze up and isnt diificult to program.


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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #18 on: 21 July 2005, 18:21 »
I prefer PS3 to XBOX 360

I think it looks better.


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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #19 on: 21 July 2005, 19:32 »
oh cool i didnt think they had them in  diffrant colours yet i thought they were just going to keep it white lol....... :beos:
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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #20 on: 21 July 2005, 20:05 »

[verwijderd door de beheerder]

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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #21 on: 21 July 2005, 20:16 »


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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #22 on: 21 July 2005, 21:45 »
nintendo revolution? that looks a bit retro. I like it :D
although i still prefer ps3

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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #23 on: 21 July 2005, 22:03 »
Yes, that is the revoluton, it is slightly samller than 3 DVD cases stacked on top of each other, and finally a nintendo product that can play Dvds and is backward comaptible with games from every system they made.


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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #24 on: 21 July 2005, 22:16 »
Quote from: Put_lead_in_gates_head
backward comaptible with games from every system they made.
NO! Only the recent ones (not the old cartridge ones).

EDIT: Oops I see I was wrong.
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Re: Kid with XB360. Stepdad = Fired?
« Reply #25 on: 21 July 2005, 22:21 »
yes it will, you just have to download the old games through the revolution's online service and put the gane in its memory